Jin ~Awake

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The sun's setting and you decide it's time to leave the park and face reality. To be honest, you'd much rather stay out here in the dark than go home and face your angry boyfriend. If that's what you can call him atleast. He's never been fysically mad at you, but words could do just as much damage. There's only one person where you feel safe. Your best friend Jin. He told you from the beginning that Jaenim wasn't good for you and that sooner or later, he'd break your heart. And that happened. Just like he said.

You came home from work to find him sitting on the couch. His hands clenched in fists and his eyes filled with rage. Something you were used to. Not one week passed without him getting extremely angry for no reason whatsoever.

You closed the door behind you and leaned against it. "Jae? What's wrong?" His head snapped up and he chuckled darkly. "You like playing dumb don't you?" "What are you talking about?" He stands up and slowly walks towards you. "Don't do that. You know exactely what's going on." You sigh. "No, I don't. That's why I'm asking."

"Fine. I'll help your stupid ass." His words cut right trough you. He said stuff like this all the time, but it still hurt you every single time. "My friend told me about how close you were with that guy at a party. He said you were basically clinging onto him." You rolled your eyes. "That was my best friend's brother. I've known that guy since kindergarten. It was only nice of me to say hi. Your friend must've interpreted everything wrong."

Jaenim chuckled darkly again. "Oh so it's my friend's fault that my girlfriend is the biggest slut in town?" You gasped. How could he say something like that? "Take that back. You know it's not true." Jaenim walked closer to you until your entire body was pressed against the door. He hovered over you so there was no escaping. "Why would I? Is the truth to much for you? Should've listened to my friends that said it was never going to end well with a chick like you."

You pushed against his chest, causing him to step back a meter. You quickly opened the door and rushed outside your house. You could hear him following you, but that only made you run even faster. Soon after you lost him, you found yourself in the park where you still are now.

You stand up from the bench and start walking the same route you took to get here. You don't even realize you're not walking home until you find yourself on the doorstep of your best friend, Jin's house.

It's too late to walk away now, so you just ring the bell and wait for Jin to open. "Hello.. Oh hi Y/N? What are you doing here?" "Hi Jin, can I come in?" He nods and holds the door for you as you walk in.

You walk into the living room and sit down on the comfy, white couch. "What's up?" You sigh deeply and burry your head in your hands. "Jaenim?" Hearing his name makes you tear up, and before you know it, you're bawling your eyes out. Jin sits next to you and wraps you in his arms. "Sshh, I'll take care of it. You shouldn't be with someone that makes you this upset and treats you like garbage. I know this isn't the first time he hurt your feelings."

You calm down after a while and rest your head against his shoulder. "Sshh." He says while stroking your hair. "Come on, you must be really tired." He picks you up bridal style and lies you down on his bed. Jin pulls the covers up to your chin. "Go to sleep, I'll stay awake the entire night just to make sure you're okay." And with those words, you fall into a deep sleep.

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