V ~Tour

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Jimin P.O.V.
V sits on the couch in our changing room. He's pouting and staring at the door, which leads towards the backstage area. "What's wrong?" I ask when I sit down next to him. V sighs deeply and looks down at his phone, which he is holding in his hand.

"Y/N is at school now and she hasn't replied to my texts yet. I don't want her to ignore me." "Well since she is in school, she can't reply at the moment. But hey, she isn't ignoring you. I'm sure that as soon as she leaves school in an hour, she'll reply."

V nods. "Maybe, I'll check my phone after the soundcheck and I hope she replied then."
"Guys, we need to do something for V. He's been sad and feeling down ever since the tour started." Rapmonster nods. "I agree. He's not his usual, unusual self. We really need to do something to help the poor guy. Never thought I would say this, but I miss the Tae who's constantly being extra." V is getting his hair and makeup done and the guys and I are sitting in our dressing room. We decided to have a conversation about what to do with V.

"Earlier he told me about how he misses Y/N. I figured we could invite her to join us." Suga nods. "Sounds good to me. Y/N can help me with writing lyrics or something. Plus, she is a great friend of mine and I miss her."

"I'll talk to the manager about it." I say.


You take your phone and look at the adress again. You're close. The studio should be a few streets away from here. Jimin texted you the adress, but you were expecting it to be a concert venue instead of a recording studio. But apparantly they needed to re-record some songs.

You open the frontdoor and walk towards the information desk. "Hello, how may I help you." "Hi, I'm looking for BTS? My name is Y/N." The woman takes a list that was laying next to her computer. "Yes, here it is. They are on the third floor, second recording studio. A guy named J-Hope put your name here." You smile. "Thank you."

You step in the elevator and press the button for the third floor. They are playing some irritating music in the background. Fortunately, the elevator stops at the third floor faster than you imagined.

The second recording studio is at your right. You knock on the door and Jungkook opens it. "Hi. Come in. V's recording just now." He whispers. You nod and follow him inside. The guys are sitting on a couch while a few guys are sitting behing a panel with a lot of buttons on it. You see V behind the glass.

He has his eyes closed while he sings the lyrics to one of their songs. You hear his godly voice coming through the speakers. "Sounds just as beautiful as always." Jimin smiles at you and stands up. "Missed you Y/N!" He runs towards you and gives you a hug. Because of the noise Jimin made, V opens his eyes. You only know that because he stopped singing. You turn towards the glass and V is looking at you with his mouth opened.

"Ja... Jagiya?" You hear him say. You smile and he runs out of the recording area and he practically jumps in your arms. "I love you sooooooooo much Jagiya. Why didn't you reply to my texts." You can barely breath and try to push him away a little. He keeps his arms around you for a few minutes longer and then steps away a few centimeters. But all the way keeping you close to him.

"Sorry babe. I was really busy with school and didn't have a lot of time. But hey, I missed you too." V gives you his iconic smile and kisses you deeply afterwards. "How long are you staying." "Until the end of the tour. I'm on vacation now so I have all the time to stay here with you."

V jumps around and pulls you towards the couch. Suga and Rapmonster stand up to give you all the space. V lies down and pulls you on his stomach. "V, everyone's looking at us." "Doesn't matter. Everyone can know how much I love my baby."

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