Chapter 3~ Mind Games

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"Ecuador is my favorite country." I tried to prolong the conversation out of curiosity. He didn't seem drunk, and Jez wasn't around so that cancelled out to two main reasons boys converse with me.

"I've never heard someone say Ecuador is their favorite country before. It's not really a tourist hotspot."

"Maybe that's why I like it."

"So if I told you I could take you on an all expense paid trip to Paris right now, you would pass it up?"

"Paris is overrated. I also hear that Paris is like New York with dog poop everywhere."

He chuckled, "You mean you wouldn't want to spend the day shopping in Paris?"

"Overpriced clothes that are impractical to wear? No, thanks."

"Why do you like this rundown country then?"

"The people are truly happy. They don't need anymore materialistic objects to make their lives bearable."

"They still want pointless possessions though."

I consider this. "Yes, but they have learned to strive even without them. You take away an American's Coach bag and you have World War III on your hands."

He belted out a deep laugh. "God you're funny." Again he looks at me with those honey colored eyes that made me want to melt.

The way he looked at me seemed all too familiar, and he spoke to me as if he had known me my whole life. I finally brought myself to ask the nagging question in the back of my head. "Have we met before?"

He smirked as if he knew something I didn't, and that's when I started getting pissed. I couldn't stand it if someone had the upper hand over me, no matter how dashing he may be.

He noticed that his smirk annoyed me, and seemed to falter a little. Turning to survey the city below, he stated in a matter of fact manner, "If we had met before, you would not be single."

That made me laugh, maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all. One of my favorite qualities in a guy is his ability to make me laugh. I really couldn't get mad at the statement either. It wasn't too hard to figure out that I wasn't with anybody since I was on a balcony, alone. The fact that he was willing to call me out on being single was still pretty gutsy by any standard. This statement alone told me he is cocky, arrogant, and has at least half a brain. I'm still weighing the pros and cons of it.

He looked me straight in the eyes after my fit of laughter, "It's true, if our paths had crossed before, you would not be single." A smirk slowly came across his face "among other things." Slowly scanning my body top to bottom the stupid smirk on his face only got bigger. Definitely not liking this guy anymore.

"For a guy that acts so enchanted by me, you haven't even asked me for my name yet."

He had that 'I know more than you' look again, and innocently asked, "What's your name?"

"Heidi, and your name would be?"

"You can call me Drake Fallon."

"Nice name."

"Thanks, Heidi" he said my name in voice made of silk. "You're name really turns me on."

I was done with this conversation, he must be drunk or something. He was too close to me, and it didn't seem right to me, I was frightened to say the least. "It was nice to meet you Drake, but I have to go now."

I turned on my heels from my spot on the balcony. I planned to walk away as fast as my heels would let me. In a flash, Drake got in front of me and put his hands on both sides of the railing, holding me in place. He was inches away from me, backing me up to the railing and he still got closer. I felt my heart beat faster than ever before.

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