Chapter 4~ Equator

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This was a beautiful moment in my life. Never could I have dreamed the arsenal of the pen hid an actual arsenal!

It was like a small walk in closet filled with ammo and explosives. Any good action movie has a scene like this, I just can't believe its really happening to me right now!

I looked at the array of weapons in awe. There were guns, including a Winchester rifle that was calling my name. Sharpened throwing knives, garrotes, and daggers all in perfect order.

Juan started taking holsters out of the drawer at the bottom of the walk in closet. "Take what you think you'll need." My hand instinctively went for the Winchester leaning on the corner of the wall. He didn't even look up. "You don't need that."

"But why?" I whined I'll admit it, but can you blame me? When am I going to have another chance to use a Winchester rifle!?

"One: It's big and we need to be discreet. Two: I doubt you have the strength to lug that think around. And Three: My dad would kill me if I took Nadine."

"It's name is Nadine?"

"Yeah, she's his prize possession."

I understood, if I ever thought about touching my dad's Remington 597, he would have my head on a silver platter.

"Okay point taken." I grabbed a garrote, a three inch throwing knife, and twin daggers that all fit into the holster wrapped around my thigh. I didn't want to have to use any of these, but for Jez, I would do it. I look over to see Juan pull out a black rectangular box the length of my arm "What's that?"

He smiled like a kid in a candy shop presses the end of the rectangular prism and it turned into a crossbow before my very eyes. "It's my own design." he beamed.

"That's not fair! You can bring a crossbow and I can't bring a Winchester?"

"A crossbow is perfect for stealth missions."

"It's still pointless! We're never going to us the stupid thing!"

"Five bucks says we will!"

"Deal." We shook hands and Juan started putting his supplies into a black backpack. I grabbed some things for Jez because I was sure we wouldn't have time to come back so she could choose. I handed them to Juan.

He saw me holding out the weapons and nodded while taking them. "Good idea."

We finished and Juan put Art of War back on the shelf, concealing the arsenal once again.

We went back through the party, and went to the garage without a single person glancing in our direction.

I hopped into the passenger seat of a black jeep Wrangler, and Juan got in the driver's seat. I realized something kind of important at this point.

"Do we have a plan?" I felt stupid for asking but I needed know.

Juan turned on the ignition. "Hell yeah we got a plan. I'm not the king of chess for nothing!"

We drove away from the party and no one noticed that we were ever there in the first place.


We pull into the parking lot to the Equator. I know what you're thinking, but there is a research center on the equator that is like and park/ museum and a trail led to the research center from the parking lot.

"Ready?" he asked. He had a distant look in his eyes.

"Before we go, you're not the only one who is scared of losing Jez. If you let your emotions get in the way of your judgment, you're only putting her in more danger." I saw him nod.

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