10《Charm In Just A Few Words》

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I walked down the hall toward the only place I thought she would hide in, I could feel the eyes of the mocking students who were giggling and passing notes in between classes. I felt exposed, with no room to duck into, no stairs to take. I simply focused on those dark double doors at the end of the hallway. As I made my way through,the tight, busy corridor I felt as if I was in a coffin. It seemed like the walls were closing in around me as I got bumped around by other students who just heard about first prize.

I wanted to rush the door open, but remained calm, there she was, sitting on herself in the second stall, the place was empty only her. I panicked over to her and straight away took the pencil sharpener blade, how she opened this was enough to worry me, I knew I could never stay strong when shit hits the fan, this was no exception, I approached her I saw a disappointed look in her face. I rinsed the blood away and pulled the cheap paper towels from a stall and wrapped them around the scars, Camille had cut deep into her wrist, and I saw older scars and lots more. I held it tight and hugged her, I moved the hair out of her face. I knew I was the last person she wanted to see walk in here, I was thankful I did.

"Jake" she muttered out of her tears

"I-I.. Don't tell anybod--" She said in hatred to herself

"I'm sorry" as the saw each other in the cracked mirror above for their first moment of eye contact.

"I have to take you to the nurse Camille, you need that cleaned out probably" I insisted

"NO! I'm Not Going to Nobody!" Camille raised her voice

I had never seen her this bad and felt angry for entering her in the raffle, I looked her in the eye, I wasn't having her left in pain for the rest of the day.

I took care of her until the hallways had cleared for class before checking if it was to time to make a move, deep down I only wanted to love her, this wasn't supposed to be how it went, I reassured myself and guided her out and down the hallway.

It was a long walk to the nurse's office, and involved walking by the main offices, we were lucky nobody was around, we made it in to the nurse, the nurse took a deep breath and put on her latex gloves and began sorting Camille, we remained quite, I didn't want to start something with Camille, not now.

After being treated, without saying anything, the nurse pressed "13" on the phone, I noticed a chart with the schools board numbers, "13" was printed next to the name Mr. Mitchell. Camille was in for it now.

I wanted to talk her out of it, I know it's sounds stupid, but I'd only be seeing myself in there too, and me being me, attempted to persuade her mind anyway. Fifteen minutes later I'm holding Camille's hand outside Mr. Mitchell's office
He took us in separate, her first, I saw him give the "didn't take you long to end back up here" look. He noticed me looking and didn't hesitate to close the blinds down. Ten minutes later after reviewing our situation and changing possible outcomes five times, the office door opened, and out came Camille with an envelope. I froze for a second, until realising Mr.Mitchell was calling my name.

"Excuse me, Mr. Allister. I needn't waste my time, this is for you" as he handed me the same envelope Camille was holding.

I looked him in the eye before making myself turn away, I took the envelope and turned around before he could dismiss us. I ran my hand back through my hair then jammed the white envelope into my side pocket once around the corner of the main offices.

I wanted to look at Camille but she wasn't thinking the same so I resisted from contact. The hallways weren't going to stay quit for long more so we headed for the front entrance faster, before leaving like this I put my hand on the door and looked back at Camille who was still too ashamed to even look up at me until she realised I stopped. I turned and looked at her "For somebody who just got three days suspension because of you, you could at least say something" I didn't want to play the blame game, but i wanted her to take some responsibility or even just realise what she did.

Instead she ignored me and left through the other door.

I wanted to follow her and comfort her, not worth my while right now, I crossed the road into the parking lot and got into my car and slammed the door I saw Camille walking out the main entrance in the distance. I cranked up the my music and screeched off out the school.

It was going to be a long three days, Camille will come around. I didn't think it was going to happen to us, happen to her, its my own fault for entering her in that stupid raffle, I put my foot to the floor this time, what do I care of some old pissed off 24/7 principle, I changed gear now flooring it out North Interstate until I eventually stopped and pulled into coastal road I drove out to the end and stopped, I put on my jacket and stepped out to admire "The Great Lands" I strolled over to post with board with carvings engraved it read

"There are many general terms that are used to promote the idea of Alaska: "Mother Nature's Showcase" and "The Last Frontier"are common catchphrases aimed at capturing an immeasurable amount of beauty, nature and "charm in just a few words". We like to use the words "amazing", "majestic", "uncharted" and "unpredictable".

No matter what words one can use to describe what Alaska is, or means to them, the old adage that "a picture is worth a thousand words" is the only just way to express how special our 49th state really is. That is, short of going there and seeing for yourself.

So, without further adieu....a thousand words:"

I looked up to the sheer beauty of it all the snow capped mountains leading down to a big open fjord complimented by pelagic islands surrounded in sharp blue reflecting water, all it had been through storm, snowfall, floods, and today it remains as beautiful as it did from the beginning.

Here I was getting thick at the most beautiful girl who treated my too good to only see her like this, It wasn't fair, this wasn't the kind of people we were, I got back in my car and turned, i missed her smile, cherry sweet lips, her soothing voice.

I Loved Her.

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