7《Paranoid Truth》

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' Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.' ~ Alice in Wonderland


The two girls stand up, Camille feeling the relief of not even letting a tear choke up with her. She is well aware of conceiling her emotions now a days, not letting them smother her and plunge the dignity she has left to its lowest. Briefly, Haven still looked quite off about the assemly of torment, and how she messed up badly but she wasn't going to let overcome her now, not now that she has found Camille, immediate friends. Unlike Camille who befriended Jake quicker than expected, Camille had alreadly fallen for him. Confused and almost unsettling, it 's like she couldn't focus around him- however, just at the same time focus. She feels confident  around him, it's like he made the world more surreal around them and in the process Jake and her were the reality. It was a crazy thought buzzing around Camille's head, she buried her head in the palms of her sleeve-drawn-over hand in the midst of her wonders about Jake, elbows resting on the sink. Haven scrutinizes Cami's hunched position over the counters where the sinks were embedded in the Girls' Bathroom, the mirrors relflecting all their movements.

" Cami, are you okay?" Haven looks down at Camille as she raises her head in stance, chin resting on hands.

" Yeah, I guess I'm fine," Cami replies but Haven is far from stupid despite her peppy manner at times, 'fine' means alot of things. Nearly everybody knew at this stage. Haven decides to leave her be though. Camille knows the meaning of Fine. In fact, at times she wished that people would some day look at her and say, " You're not fine." And hug her even.

No, hugs weren't actually an option. It was a thing Camille didn't understand. Hugs were not sufficient a such in ways people don't see, she thinks. She just didn't like the thought of being touched, legitimately. And most people knew that back in her previous school in Anchorage. Hence the face of being pushed and shoved in the narrow halls, pitying the people who are claustrophobic. Oh, how Camille wanted to hit the people that pushed and shoved with no manners at all. But supposedly it was the perks of surviving High School. Hypothetically, then that would lead to not be able to fathom sense in that either. Comes to think of it, Star of The North is almost too welcoming, introducing the new pupils in a big assembly like that. If it was not terrifying, it was mortification unprepared. Her thoughts were getting too far fetched though.

Haven let out a sheepish laugh, " Wow, this school is quite a catch for welcoming new students like this."

Camille nods, " Yeah." Funny how Haven mentioned it to be honest.

Camille was just about to turn when Haven gasps. " What happened?!" Flustered, Camille's eyres widene and realises the bruise on her face left by Miss Perfect Princess.

Shit, she mentally hisses. " It's nothing, Haven. I'm fine." She assures Haven, trying to think if she has concealer still in her bag.

" No, Camille. Who would do this to you? I know you just came here yesterday, hence the fact we just arrived this morning and I hardly know you- the point is; that bruise is fresh, what happened?" Haven says, exhasperated.

Camille blinks, thrown over by words, but quick to react, " Walked into a wall." She lamely states quite monotonously, rooting out a small bottle of a cheap enough brand out of her bag and dabbing it onto her bruise. It was still quite soure and swollen. Camille hopes it isn't that noticeable. She must have wiped the make-up of when she was burying her face in her stupid hands. She mentally kicked herself.

" Really?" Haven questions doubtfully.

" Yeah." Camille replies, she didn't want to tell Haven anything more a such. A lot has practically happened over the two days of Star of the North High and really, no prestigious affection towards others had occured. It was rare. Besides her new friends Jake, Jesse and Haven. If they were really her friends. Or were they faking? Could it be that they'd just easily throw her off in a short matter of time, stab her in the back and dust her off like dirt on a shoe? It is delusional thinking but the truth was, Camille can't bring herself to trust annyone so much. She is paranoid if not depressed. The cuts running around her body screaming what a failure she seems she is. It is hard to actually think of Jake ever dissing her, he just couldn't. Could he? And Jesse? The sweet guy who managed to return her bag instead of throwing in a bin like most people had ever done to her, it was an act of kindness. But was that just an act? How about Haven? Haven mostly had shown that she could be really...well, away with the fairies. She seemed sincere enough worrying about her bruise. That could have been just so Cami would confess everything up and then Haven would have it boomerang around the school, betraying her trust?

No. Camille shakes her head. All this negativity was just tiring and knows neither of them would be capable of that cruel.

Suddenly the door crashes open, they have both almost forgot they were still in the Girls' bathroom. Just as it is, thankfully it is just Jenny barges in, not infuriated but relieved washing over her pretty face. " There you both are!"

Camille and Haven just stand like a deer caugh in headlights.

" Uh... Where else would we be?" Camille arches her eyebrow.

Jenny scoffed, " 5th Period. The bell just rang. Were you in here all of lunch?"

" Oh, Class!" Haven shreaks scrambling out of a room as it just caught fire. " Talk to you later, Cami, bye, Jenny!" With that she was gone. Both oblivious to Jenny's question. Jenny just whistles lowly, " Crazy."

Camille agrees, " Aren't we all."

" True that."

They both left to go to their last two classes without another word.


The rest of Camille's day was a blur, she has easily adapted to the accustomed mockery from Beatrice and her gang simply enough. Nothing new. Just vile wolves in sheeps clothing. Jake had not long found her an dtried to cheer her up. Knowing for a fact that his Camille wasn't herself. Jake pondered about what to do about it.

After school once they said goodbye to Haven amd Jesse, Jake pokes Camille. She raises an eyebrow.

" Wanna go on an adventure?"

Camille's head is spinning, the only thing that she cocluded with was, This is how I'm going to be brutally murdered- by a guy I thought was becoming a great friend and who makes my heart flip.

Jake slightly cringes, ears turning a ligh pink, " Sorry, that sounded a bit creepy didn't it?" His chocolaty eyes just twinkling in the sun creeping out from the clouds.

It was Camille's turn to be embarrassed at the scene and sheepishly smiled. Then it dawns on her about the bus and home, " I can't, my bus it leave in any minute now."

Jake looks perplexed but grins, " I have a car. I'll bring you home, Cami."

Camille thought for a second, then remembers Ray, her step father- whom she'll never call 'Dad' the bastard he is, wouldn't be home till late and she can easilly pass by her mother no hassle caused. It's Ray that'd go ballistic.

So, she accepted this adventure. She felt like this was going to be fun.

" So where are we going?" She queries as they stroll to his El Camino in the parking lot.

Jake smiles, " You're going love it this place."

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