I walk into the room. I see the photograph of the olive color skinned woman with her jet black hair that progressed to a white hair when I met her. Her name is on notecards with 1923-2018 on them. All I see is a blur of black when I walk in and I instantly take a seat in the back.
I see a familiar, wrinkled face walk towards me and I smile, "Hey Miss Joy, how are you?" I ask the woman who takes a seat next to me. She smiles at me and takes my items.
"I'm wonderful and you, Penny?" She asks.
"Great. I miss you. You'll have to come by when Li and I have the Bon voyage patio party," I offer. I know she'd have to go through a whole process to get her out of the home for the night, but it's the thought that counts.
"You call me whenever it's a good time," She takes my hands and wraps her shaking ones around mine. "Congratulations on leaving therapy, my dear. Liam was telling me when he came to visit last week. I'm so proud,"
"Thank you, it's all because of you," She pats my hands. "Time did heal some of those wounds. And the therapy helped get me to the right path,"
"It always does," I smile and look around the room. I came late on purpose, as to not bump into Zayn. But I still wanted to be here for Ms. Malik.
"I don't mean to drift, Penny, but there are a few others I have to see," I tell her to go and she kisses my cheek before leaving.
I scan the room again, and I find the one person I was trying to avoid.
Penny For Your Thoughts?
KurzgeschichtenZayn left her a while back. Though, he never left her mind.