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A new what?!

"Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Patty and Liz, Lord Death would like to meet with you in the Death Room." Professor Stein spoke in his monotone speech.

The seven students stood up and proceeded towards the exit of their classroom.

"I wonder what he wants now." Maka inquired. She placed her hands in front of her, fidgeting.

"I told you guys we screwed up on that mission!" Kid was behind them shouting, while Liz and Patty attempted to calm their meister down.

"He probably just wants to reward us, especially me, I mean who wouldn't want to!" Tsubaki rolled her eyes as Black Star continued to shout like a lunatic.

They finally made it to the Death Room. With Maka at the lead, she walked in and saw a familiar figure standing in front of her.

"Hey Kiddos! What's goin' on?" Lord Death said, animated and excited as ever. The kids replied with various greetings and mumbles.

"So to cut it short, you are all enrolled in a new class!" With this statement all of the kids were thrown in various stages of shock.

"I'm a failure!" Both Kid and Maka shouted as they sulked to the floor. Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, and Soul were all beyond stressed as they worried about this class. Finally, Black Star was hopping around, looking determined as ever.

"So what's this class? I bet I can surpass all of these dweebs!" Black Star said, with a cocky smirk.

"Since you all put the DWMA at risk by revealing your powers as Meisters and Weapons, I have enrolled you into a program designed to teach you how to act like normal teens." Lord Death spoke, never losing his happy demeanor.

"But I don't understand, what do you mean?" Maka questioned.

"Well here's the gist of it. Maka, you revealed your ability as a Meister when you decided to use Soul during your mission, little did you know that a small group of kids looked on during the battle. Kid, you transformed Liz and Patty thinking you were alone but you were wrong. Actually a good number of individuals saw you. Black Star, when attempting to assassinate your target, a video camera recorded you and Tsubaki. Also running faster than the set world record is highly suspicious. Finally, Soul you just look odd."

With all of their offenses listed, the group just looked at Lord Death prepared to hear the requirements of the class.

"These various occurrences have got me thinking. As easy as assigning a remedial lesson would be, I want you kids to learn how to act like kids. You will all start tomorrow. The class will be taken in addition to your normal studies. I expect you to all enjoy and have fun with this! Other than that, see ya!" And with that he dismissed the kids.

"This stinks!" Soul said as he walked back to class.

"Let's just see how it goes." Maka replied, she didn't like the idea of this class but she was prepared to face whatever challenges came towards her.

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