Chapter 4

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Published: 8/31/2016; Wednesday; 5:46pm; Unedited

Kirito was once again alone in Ume's hospital room, squeezing her hand as he spoke about school, one they had built just for SAO survivors (which is what people have dubbed them as), and how his 'little sister' has been cheering him up about her current state. He paused.

"I miss you," he blurted, blushing a bit and looking down at his lap, "I'd grown so used to you being around, your sarcastic comments, I never realized how much I enjoyed your company...until now..." he trailed off, realizing what he was saying. Was he...betraying Asuna for feeling this way? No, he only sees Ume as a friend, his best friend.

The door suddenly slid open, making him let go of her hand quickly and looking up so see--

"Kirito-san?" He blinked.



"Yeah, when I found out Ume was here, I came as soon as I could, I've been visiting for a while, I guess we just never ran into each other before now," Yuu chuckled, assembling the flowers he brought in a vase, replacing the old ones that were wilting. "I visit when I can, with school and work, I only get a few chances a week."

"I see," Kazuto nodded, "I come often, most of the time with Asuna, but sometimes she's busy so I come in her stead."

Yuu paused in his actions when he heard Asuna's name, frowning, before turning to him with a smile, "That's nice of you to do. I'm sure she enjoys the visits."

"She can't hear or feel us though," he reasoned, and Yuu shook his head, looking at Ume with a proud smile.

"Sometimes, her heart monitor shows that her heart skips a beat or beats faster. I feel like some part of her, or even her subconscious, is telling her that we're nearby." Kazuto's eyebrows shot up, that shouldn't be possible, or at least, there's only the slimmest of chances that could happen. "You have to remember, she's quite stubborn."

A chuckle in response, "Don't I know it."

The door opened once again, making both males look over to see Ume's father and another man come in. Something about the other man's smirk made their stomach's drop, that wasn't a look they'd like to see.

"Oh, Kirigaya-kun, Momozaki-kun, good to see you two," he nodded at the two young boys. They both stood and bowed in respect the the man.

"Kirigaya...?" The other man gasped, and ran over the the famous SAO player-- the one and only black swordsman and Beater. He took Kazuto's hand eyes wide, "That must mean you are the infamous Kirito!"


"Pardon him, I don't think you've met. This is Nobuyuki Sugō, former chief of the research institute," Ume's father introduced, Sugō backing away and bowing towards Kazuto.

"I feel honored to have met you, Kirigaya-kun! I heard you had a close relationship with Asuna and Ume while in the game." Both Kirito and Yuu flinched at the mention of SAO and Sugō frowned, "My apologies, I forget that it is a taboo to mention such things to the survivors."

"You're fine, we're just getting used to being out," Yuu rubbed his arms, checking the time and standing. "I must be going, I have to help my mother with the shop, I'll see you later, Kirigaya-kun!"

"Yeah, see you," he inclined his head as Yuu grabbed his things, gave Ume's hand a squeeze, and left. Sugō turned to Ume's father, who was writing down his daughter's statistics and vitals down, making sure she was still okay. Well, as okay as she can be.

"Kyoya-san, I forgot to get the confirmation for the date," it was time to put his plan into action, and get that annoying wannabe hero out of the way.

Natasha Kyoya looked up from his clipboard, suddenly very sour about his decision. It was his baby girl, after all, and while he had wanted before, it no longer felt right, and he was handing off his little girl. He sighed, it was for business, they can expand this way. "Are you sure?" Is what he blurted out instead, his father-instincts getting the best of him, "You're still quite young, you know. Don't you want to date a bit more before jumping into marriage?"

Kazuto's eyes widened, not liking how this was sounding. He couldn't do that, right? Was that allowed? Wait, maybe he was misinterpreting all of this, maybe it's--

"Yes, I'd like to see Ume in the dress since it seems before its deemed too late."

His heart sunk. No.

"Alright, the wedding will be held next week, I'll make calls for the preparation," he finished and checked his watch, "I must be going now, appointments to meet and all," he looked at Kazuto, who was still frozen in shock, "It was nice seeing you Kirigaya-kun. I'll make sure to send you and Asuna-chan an invitation." With that, he left the room to attend his scheduled appointments with patients, leaving the other two behind.

"As you have figured, Ume and I are engaged, our wedding being next week," Sugō walked to the other side of the bed, bending down and lifting several strands of hair close to his nose and inhaling the smell. Kazuto glared harshly at the man, gritting his teeth at the sight. "I know you were very close to her, but you're with Asuna, so you shouldn't care what happens with Ume. But you should know," he stood, sending him a scheming, malicious smile, "I'm the only one keeping her alive, along with the other two hundred-ninety-nine."

Kazuto's mouth dropped open, eyes wide as he looked at this evil man, who just smirked at him, smelling her hair once again before gather his things and leaving. The setting sun through the windows the only thing lighting up the room until the automatic lights turned on at eight. He slumped down in his chair, gripping Ume's hand, breath shuddering, as he looked at her peaceful face.

"They can't do this," he whispered, "it's not right, they just...can't..." He hung his head, was there anything he could do?

Save her.

He jumped up, remembering the picture, the game AlfHeim Online, that's where they got the picture from. He had to save her.

He was going to save her.

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