Chapter 12

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Published: 05/22/2017; Monday; 6:41pm; Unedited


"Are you sure, Kazuhiko?"

Kazuhiko but his lip, slipping over the laptop and letting his parents see for themselves. "Who else would know this? Everyone thinks you two hate boats."

They read over the chat bubbles, no doubt, the way their daughter speaks and writes has stayed the same and her absolute loathing for Sugō has only increased. Her father, Kyoya, ran his hand through his hair, leaning back in his chair.

"I never thought her suspicions were true," he admitted, "he's know and the Yuuki's for so long that I would have never doubted him..." his gaze hardened, "but he does not get away with doing this with my daughter-- all those other people as well-- and lying to my face about it."

"We've told you before that we hate the dude, dad," Kazuhiko groaned, it wasn't just personal, I mean it was, but he was always trying to get with either Asuna or Ume! But you never believe us! And him jumping the idea to marry her without her consent should have raised red flags!"

"We get it, Kazu." His mother snapped, closing the laptop, "But we can't change what's happened now. We can only hope that his Kirito fellow can do it."

"For now," his father stood, taking out his mobile phone, "I'll have to call Sugo and tell him that I would like to postpone the wedding, and if possible, call it off. Dear, call our lawyer as well; Kazu, you call the authorities."

"You think they'll believe us?"

"If my brother could do it," Kazu looked at his mother, who stood along with her husband with her phone ready, "then they'll have to."


"Sugō-san," one of his slime minions came as he was attempting to sway me with "benefits" of marrying him. I'm sixteen for crying out loud!

He stands reluctantly with a huff and goes over, where the minion whispers something, making him groan. Looking back at me, he frowns.

"I'll have to cut my visit today short, your father seems to want to talk to me about the wedding. Who knows, maybe he wants to hurry it along?"

My heart soared, and I clenched my hands on my dress, looking down so he couldn't see my face. My father would never do that, he believes that time will tell it's future, and liked to let things flow-- imagine that sort of belief in a doctor, hah!

But if that's not true, then that means Kazu must have told them!

Oh my gods...

"I'll see you later, my honey." I glared at him, showing my distaste for his nickname for me with a grunt of disgust. He ignored me and went on to leave, and left me alone once again.

As soon as I was sure I was completely alone, I slumped my shoulders, laying my cheek on the table, closing my eyes. It was honestly the only time I could relax and let my guard down--after he had left.

"Come on, don't have much time left..." I murmured, meeting the eyes of my blurry reflection in the silver table.


"What do you mean?!" Kirito shouted at Yui, who nodded, her hands on the door that was supposed to open upon their arrival.

"This door is not meant for anyone to surpass-- no player is meant to get in to the World Tree!"

Kirito hit the surface of said door, gritting his teeth. How was he supposed to save her if he couldn't even get up there?!

He closed his eyes, the fight below making him try to think faster.

She lifted the keycard before standing up and going to him, grabbing his hand and setting it in his palm before closing his fingers around it, holding his hand still.

"The key to saving me and the other two hundred-ninety-nine people trapped here."

His eyes snapped open, reaching into his coat pocket and brought out the card that was given to him. He stared at it intently before looking at Yui.

"See if this can do anything." She flew over without a word, placing her tiny hands on the card that was just as big as her. Closing her eyes, she seemed to check the system on anything about the mysterious card.

She gasped, jerking back in surprise, "This is..." she looked up at him with wide eyes, "this a system control card! Whatever this was on had access to everything in this world!"

"So it's like an GM or Admin card?" He hummed, a small smirk making it on to his face, "Of course she found something like this... Yui, can you see if this will open the door?"

"Yes!" She too the data from the card, transferring it to the door. It took moments, but it seemed to have worked. The door opened and without hesitating, Kirito darted in, Yui close behind.

It felt like forever, running and running up the twister branches and carefully going through hallways inside the trunk.

If he couldn't feel his heartbeat now, he know he would now with the pristine shimmer of a cage in the artificial light of the sunset, he saw her figure moving towards something and he couldn't stop himself.

"Ume!" The figured jerked to a stop, and whipped around, the game's automatic wind decided to set in, blowing her hair back, making her look almost ethereal.

"Ume!" The figured jerked to a stop, and whipped around, the game's automatic wind decided to set in, blowing her hair back, making her look almost ethereal

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He panted, stopping at the cage door, using the cars to bypass the code and the cage doors opened, and there she was.

She exhaled.


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