Chapter 6

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My mood drops right after seeing that photo in the papers

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My mood drops right after seeing that photo in the papers. I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of my shift either. All the calm I was enjoying for the last two days is gone and the anger is here in full force. I didn't get to kill him and the cops will be coming to ask questions anyway. 

Not that I regret the weekend I had. It was great, but I really wanted to have this one. I would've asked him some questions, take my sweet time. I know I would've thoroughly enjoyed. I should have taken him when I saw him on Friday. Why do I always listen to Merle anyway? The times when he held all the answers for me are long gone. Sure, after his time in the military, he taught me some useful stuff again, but that doesn't mean he knows everything better. I toss away the small part in my hand in frustration.

Several heads turn in my direction. "Everything okay, Daryl?" Joe, being the closest to me, asks.

I grunt, nodding my head, then checking the time. Only two hours left 'till the end of my shift. I can't wait to get out of here. Everyone's getting on my nerves more than usual and today's heat doesn't help any. I see Merle giving me a look, but he says nothing.

"Is she giving you trouble?" Joe continues with the questions. My head snaps to him. What? He motions to the car in front of me. Right!

I shake my head. "Almost finished with this one."

"When you are, go home! Cool off or sleep off whatever this is. In any case, I don't want to see this shit here tomorrow."

Fine by me, I can't wait to get out of here. "You're the boss." I wipe the sweat off my face and go back to this damn thing to finish as soon as possible.

When I do finally get home, Lumen's car is already there. I walk in and see her sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in her hands. For a second there I felt a little calmer, that was until I saw her expression. One word: worry.

"Hey," she greets me with a small genuine smile. Okay, seems it's not me that's making her worry. That's good. I go to the fridge for a cold beer, stopping by her side, I bend to give her a peck on her lips. My fingers bury in her hair, hers sneak to the back of my neck and hold me close to prolong the kiss.

"You are home early," she breathes out after she let go. It's not a question, just a statement of the obvious fact, so I don't say anything and go on to get my beer. Her eyes are following me.

"The police went to see me at work. Anthony's missing... my ex-boyfriend, I mean."

I open the bottle and drink almost half of it at once, it's heavenly cold. Then I look at her. "I've heard."

"You did?" she asks, confused, "When? How?"

I sit at the table with her, answering her questions, "Was in the papers. Merle showed me this morning."

She doesn't reply right away. Instead, she's biting her lip nervously while looking at her hands and sneaking glances at me for a minute before she leans closer to me as if someone could hear her. "Has he- do you think he has anything to do with it?" she whispers.

Daryl Dixon ➵ Roommate (TWD)Where stories live. Discover now