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...2 years later

"I hate this place, always have. Even the air here is disgusting."

"Every place smells disgusting now, sweetheart. It's the dead walking. Haha, you're just bitter because they didn't let you two have conjugal visits."

"Smartass! .....Merle? Do you-do you think he's still alive?"

"I know he is! You know it too, otherwise, you wouldn't be here with me."

"Well, do you think he's still in there? Look around, there are so many, and nothing looks alive here."

"We'll see once we'll get inside. Not everything is how it seems at first. You of all people should know that."

"Yeah, well, prison yard full of walkers seems pretty obvious to me. Not much can be hidden behind that."

"Like I said, we won't know until we get in. I'm not leaving this place until I see my brother with my own eyes, dead or alive!"

"I'm not saying we should leave. I want to be sure as much as you do. I love the man, you know that. I'm just saying we won't be able to do it alone. We need help. There are too many. Even th-"

"-Shhhh. Listen! Did you hear that?"


"Shhhhh. That! It's coming from that direction."

"Someone's coming."

"Come on, let's get off the rails, we're like sitting ducks out here. You got your knife?"


"Have it ready, we'll observe and listen, then we'll decide what we'll do about whoever's coming. You know the drill."


"Alright. Now be quiet."

- "Rick, I don't think that'll work."

- "It will. It's perfect, Glenn. You see? The catwalk is clean. If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

- "You think we have enough manpower for this? I think the only decent shot besides you is Maggie. Maybe Lori, but she's pregnant. We could use more people."

- "We don't have more people. We'll manage!"

"Lumen, sweetheart? Our help is here!"

The End 

... or not ;-) see you After the End!

Daryl Dixon ➵ Roommate (TWD)Where stories live. Discover now