Chapter 8

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The ride home is quiet

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The ride home is quiet. I'm thinking about everything and I have to wonder if the rat couldn't be someone who Merle pissed off. He or she did mention only him to the cops, not me, not Oscar, only Merle. The cops didn't even know specifics like 'a black guy and a white guy were with him'. Maybe it's some kind of warning, but from who? I didn't want to bring it up before, in case Merle actually did have some enemies he'd think could be behind this. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow. I'm positive he wouldn't want to discuss it in front of Oscar and Lumen.

And speaking of Lumen, I am also kinda curious about the story behind her hate for the cops now. But it's linked to her scar and I more or less promised I wouldn't ask about it. So I'm not sure how to go about it and not break that promise. I sneak a glance her way and see her deep in thoughts of her own. She didn't say a word during the whole trip either.

"Do we have something to eat at the house?" I rasp quietly, my throat is dry, but it successfully breaks her out of her musing.


"I asked if there is something to eat at home, or do we need to stop somewhere. We'll be passing the last fast food place in a minute."

"Oh, right! No, I don't think there is. I didn't have time to go grocery shopping so the leftovers we ate yesterday were the last we had, I think."

"Alright, I'll stop there then."

She just gives me a nod and turns back to the window. I won't be saying some shit about this whole thing ending alright, I'm on edge because of this situation too. No one likes to have pigs sniffing around.

We are driving into the parking lot soon after. It's after dinner time but the diner is quite full of people. Ugh, I am in no mood to be around anyone. I fish some bills and thrust them into Lumen's hand, she looks down at it, a bit perplexed so I clarify.

"I'll wait here, wanna smoke. I'll have whatever you are having as long as it's not something full of green leaves."

"Men!" she mutters but takes the money before leaving the car with a small smile on her face. I'm pretty sure that was the first smile I saw on her since Merle's visit yesterday. And I think I know exactly how to cheer her up, and myself for that matter.

I get out and let the door open to let some air inside the cabin, it's getting darker, the sun went down and the temperature is finally somewhat tolerable, so I light a smoke outside and wait.

She doesn't take as long as I thought she would. She's not far from me when I hear yelling.

"Hey! Hey, Lumen! Wait up!" I look past her and see a short brunette jogging between other cars after her. Lumen glances behind her too and when she sees who it is she turns back with a tense small smile. She quickly closes what's left from the distance between us and hands me the bags.

"Could you put this inside, I'll just say hi." And without waiting for my response she goes to greet the girl. I look down at the bags and for some reason, the words lost puppy pop out in my head. I shake it, no, being decent to my girl doesn't mean I'm some lost puppy. I hear her call out, "Oh hey, Emma, I didn't see you inside," as I turn to do just as she asked.

Daryl Dixon ➵ Roommate (TWD)Where stories live. Discover now