Chapter 7

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I listen to Merle parking his bike outside and sigh in annoyance

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I listen to Merle parking his bike outside and sigh in annoyance. I was kinda warming up to that shower time idea. Well, I can always hope he'll just eat and then leave soon after. 

I turn to Lumen to ask what are we going to eat for dinner only to see her standing frozen in the doorway to my room, staring at the front door like a deer in headlights. Sure, I know she hasn't really seen Merle since their little rape argument, she has nothing to worry about though. He probably forgot all about it right after he left that day. If he'd held a grudge against every person who insulted him, he'd be as pissed as I am all the time, which he's not. 

I'm about to tell her but just as I open my mouth, Merle knocks on the door and as always burst right in. Only today he's looking like a man on a mission. He points his forefinger at Lumen.

"You-" but he doesn't finish, seeing the state we are in, he stops in his tracks and does a double take. "-Did you two just fuck?" Momentarily dismissing what he was about to say, a big wicked smile spreads on his face. "Would you care for a comparison between him and the bigger Dixon?" Raising his eyebrow up and down suggestively he starts in our direction.

"Oh God!" I hear Lumen whisper, as she tries to hurry past me to her room. At that Merle's grin disappears as quickly as it came and he grabs her arm before she manages to run off.

"Oh no, you don't. We need to have a little talk. Come on, sweetheart!" he says dragging her to the table. What the hell? I move to step in, but Merle raises his arm, palm up. "You'll wanna hear this baby brother, trust me." His face turns even more serious which makes me pause. Something's off. I see Lumen's confused eyes jumping between me and Merle, eventually stopping on him.

"Look, I'm sorry about last time, okay? What I said, I really didn't mean to offend-"

"-No, no! I'm not here to talk about that. That's settled and forgotten." He cuts in, pushing her down to sit on one of the chairs and settle himself on the other one in front of her, his hand sliding from her arm down to pat the back of her hand. "What I'm much more interested in is what you talked to the cops about, for them to visit me at work." She tries to move her hand away from his but his fingers close around her wrist tightly. Okay, this is not necessary!

"Merle, come on! She's cool, she told me about the cops the minute I walked in. Of course, they talked to her. It's her ex who's missing, you told me yourself they'll have questions." I move to stay behind Lumen. It was meant as a supporting gesture, but it seems to have no calming effect on her whatsoever.

Glancing at me Merle let go of her, showing his palm in placating gesture but doesn't move completely away, his face staying stern. "I'm not doing anything. We are all good here. I'm not saying anything about the cops questioning her either, I'm just wondering how they figured they should talk to me in particular. Any ideas, sweetheart? Maybe something about how your ex got his pretty face messed up, huh? No?" When he gets no reaction he continues. "I'll help you out, they say some good citizen tipped them off. Told them about seeing me beating the guy, having two other men with me. And the funny thing is, there are only five people who knew that for sure, and I can guarantee there are four of us without any reason to talk to the cops about it, or anything else. Guess who's the fifth?!"

Daryl Dixon ➵ Roommate (TWD)Where stories live. Discover now