Beauty and the Beast

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Chapter 23: Beauty and the Beast

You, would you never take a rose from a beast? If his apathetic hand were to hold out a ruby flower, his skin untouched by the pointed thorns. Would you not refuse it? Yet each devious beast will have his beauty. He stands before you, grinning without affection. His hand holds the thorns of the single naked stem, and you look down at your hands that now cusp his rose. How? you would never take a rose from a beast, yes?

Even in his sleep his eyebrows furrowed unable to escape worldly nuisances. As he shifted his expression loosened abruptly complacent in his sleep. His leisurely features where almost childlike as his hair fell into his face.


Oh no! Did I wake him up?

His nightgown clung slack to his delicate creamy skin, the buttons fastened accurately; reveling his sculpture like neckline.


I sighed. Why was it that even though he says a lot of cold things and sucks my blood, I couldn't bring myself to hate him.

Since when...Have I

"How tasteless of you..."

His deep voice interrupted my thoughts. He reached out and grabbed my wrists pining me to the bed.

"Eh? Reiji-san...!? Kyaa!!"

"Were you studying my sleeping face?" He questioned.

"N-No! it's not 'studying' when I didn't look for more than an instant.."I denied my face burning in shame.

"Even if it was for an instant, you still looked, yes?"

"I-I did look...but still.."

This unrelenting man wouldn't even let the simplest thing pass. His cherry eyes scrutinized my every movement. At that moment I realized too late that I roused a sleeping beast.

"Unacceptable...I shall punish you until morning comes."

He removed the blanket that rested on top of me. It fell to the floor coming to a rest silently.

"Fufu... It is fine even if I am rough, is it not...? The truth is that you want to be treated this way by me, isn't that right?"

My face flushed as his breath skimmed my ear.

"Y-you're wrong!"

I shrank back feeling the heat rise to my ears. I flinched as shifted removing a lock of hair that fell into his eye.

"I will grant you my fangs...Just as you wish."


"Listen well to what I say. We do not know whether these walls have ears."

I froze at the thought.

"You have grown to be quite obedient. As expected...your body is honest..."

My heart raced at his brazen words.

"Well then, where do you desire it? Tell me..."


I turned my head away from him.

"Even though your body is so honest...Shall I make your mouth honest as well?"

His tone grew ridged a threat lingered in ever syllable. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look him in the eye.

"How about it? Although I could force you or I could make you say indecent things...I believe that would be rude to a lady."

In his eyes something dangerous loomed behind his calm gaze.

I unwillingly shout out in dread, "N-Neck! At my neck..!"

"At your neck? Is that so."

He placed his fingers on my neck trailing them to my collar. As he removed them it left behind a slight tingle.

"I- I Beg you."

"Please." He corrected.


"What you should say is " I beg you, please, suck blood from my neck", yes?"

He ran his fingers thought his lavender hair. His smiled mischievously his fangs extruding from his mouth.

He teased me with his haughty expression. It made me want to refuse him.

"T-There's no way I'd say something like that.."

"When you takes such an attitude, it makes me want to make you say it more."

He looked at me amused, his eyes following my every movement,"What a good reaction you gave to tickle my sadistic heart, Yui."

My words seemed to give an opposite effect.

He sunk his fangs into my neck without warning eliciting a strangled cry from my mouth.

"Does it hurt...? Haa...But very soon...that pain...will also become pleasure."


"Haa..What a hopeless person you are...More? In that case, I shall be more cruel."


He removed his lips from my neck and froze. He muttered silently to himself.

"How strange...I wonder why it is that...your blood is more delicious that usual today?"

"It's impossible to stop."

His fangs buried into my neck further. Pain and pleasure blended together as my mind reeled.

"Haa...It is body is..screaming...for more." He gasped.

"Now, give me...more."

Author Notes:


First off apologizes or the sudden removal of this chapter. I was having some technical difficulties. Anyways some of you will notice that the chapter is different from before, that is because I was trying to fix the chapter and made a slip up. I deleted the whole chapter losing all my work. Needless to say I stared at the blank screen a good twenty minutes contemplating my life as my soul left my body. Those of you re-reading I welcome you back~

See you...


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