His Fondness

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Extra: His Fondness

I would say every one person has a sliver of beauty about them. But, loving: a reserved devotion lets you glimpse further. You notice every slight movement, the back of a hand, the turn of a head, the way of their walk. When you first love, you look blind, you see the one you love as a whole or a sum of beautiful parts. Yet, when you truly see through that fabrication, you see the one you love as pieces and as you love those pieces as well. It's a love, complicated and more complete in essence.

His lean finger's tepidly rapped against the fine fabric of his forearm. He back rested level on the sleek wine stain leather seat, his leg draped over one another. From his lip's he released a drawn mellow sigh, as he watched the limo pull into the gate of his new residence.

The car decelerated slowly coming to a complete stop. He bent his head and emerged from the limo greeted by the somber lambency of the full moon overhead. A cool breeze stirred his hair knocking him out of his daze. He glanced at his wristwatch shaking his head.

"Honestly, that Shu..."

He said to himself as the entrance door opens revealing Yui, she smiles warmly.

She steps forward, "Is something wrong today?"

"No, he simply changed the entire servant roster I arranged after much consideration. On his own."

The last sentence left his mouth with a growl his foul mood none the better. Yet, seeing her face seemed to undo some of his pent-up frustrations. He tries to take off his coat, but she hastily moves behind him her tender hands halting his movement. She then fluently takes off the suit and folds it neatly over one arm to avoid wrinkling it.

"You have been following my instructions it seems."

His expression soften's as he gazes upon her prompt actions. Pride swells in his chest as he witnesses her polished movement.

"Yes, I've already grown accustomed to it!!" She replies enthusiastically.

It has been several months since he had moved into this mansion. He had been anxious about starting a life with her, just the two of them, and as he feared she had made several mistakes. He'd give her a warning, express his anger; but never allowed it to reach a point that would cause pain or discourage their relationship.

A wry smile reached the edge's of his mouth his thoughts slipping from his lips, "Well, I suppose if she was going to be deterred, she would have given up when we were at the Sakamaki mansion."

As he mutters, recalling the events of those times, she tilts her head slightly in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Her aggrieved expression nearly made him laugh aloud.

"Nothing. I was simply saying that I was saved by your natural airheadedness."  He replied to her question.

Despite everything, he is exceedingly fond of his daily life.  He would never admit it but for some reason, he appeared to be healed by her very presence.

[But what about her?] The question comes to his mind as he is ushered to the table from his meal.

Why is it that he was grasped by this impatience akin to irritation. He frowns the irritability seem to claw at the inside of his chest, leaving him unsettled. Before long, she returns carrying a tray filled with various foods.

He ponders how many fruitless hours's that the obviously elaborate dishes must have taken her. She must have made them filling the excess hours she waits for him.

"...How do you feel about the current state of your life?"


Having been asked out of the blue, she makes a dubious expression, " What do you mean?"

"It is as I have asked. You have cooked quite a number of complicated dishes, so I wonder if you are bored due to the considerable amount of free time you have."

He felt stifled as he had cleared his throat to speak. A soft smile graces her face as she mutters an 'oh'

She shakes her head solemnly, "I didn't make all this because I have way too much free time.''

"...Then why?"

Her expression scrunched up as if she had bitten into something sour. She gazed at him with a complicated expression.

"Isn't it obvious? Its because I want Reiji-san to be happy."

She sits down in her chair and shyly shrinks back her cheeks burning with a pink hue.

"Then, you are not bored living like this?" He asks.

She shakes her head once more this time her lips were curled it in mirth. She swept a fallen strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Rather than being bored, I'm actually enjoying it. That is...I feel that it's unexpectedly soothing to be able to look after the person I love."

The redness in her cheeks deepened as she finished speaking. His eyes widened in surprise he could not believe her thoughts mirror his own.

"That aside, shall we eat? I think today's roast beef turned out pretty well. I'll be happy if it manages to suit your palate."

She changes the subject trying to hide her growing embarrassment.

Silently, He picks up the knife before he then proceeds to put the roast beef she confidently made into his mouth. As a rich flavor hits his taste buds he pauses.

[ I see, it is indeed well made. However, she is far from reaching my level of skill]

From some reason, as he was chewing, he could feel his mouth relax. He wonders why he is smiling before he even realized it. As he ponders, he could feel her gaze on him.

"..Eh-hem. What is it?" He asked curtly.

"Oh, I'm just happy that you seem to find it delicious."

His lips rise into a teasing smile, "Well, I suppose it's not unpalatable. Even if your skills are inferior to mine."

"Fufu. thank you very much."

He hates frivolous and cliched words.

However, he had come to believe this.

That this is happiness---


Author Notes:

I deeply apologize for my extra long hiatus. I've felt these few months just seem to blur by. Again, apologies. Stay tuned for the epilogue.

As always,

-See you


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