Winter's Bell

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Chapter 27: Winter's Bell

The ethereal bell of crystalline ice hung suspended in mid-air. It rings to promulgate endings and birth de novo, "of new." And it rings on account of newborn promise and grace in the twilit skies. Its discernible tonality reverberates in the serene winter's day. The bell can only be witnessed at the turning of the year when days unwind into naught and once more march on.

My pencil dashed across the partially filled paper leaving behind lead markings. The pencil left my hand and with a clack, it hit the wooden desk. I buried my face in my hands in exhaustion kneading my eyes. From where I sat I could see as snow fell outside the balcony. The windows were frosted over with ice.

"Phew...I finally finished my homework."

As I stretched my stomach rumbled. Glancing at the clock that set on the bedside table I watched as the arms met one another.

I've gotten a bit hungry...I know I'll make a night meal.

I stood, the wooden chair screeching as I drag it against the floor. My stomach sunk with dread yet when I was met with no reaction I heaved a sigh. Leaving my room wasn't a walk in the park I felt as if I were an assassin tasked with a nearly impossible mission. As I reached the kitchen I closed the door slowly and discreetly behind me.

I fumbled around for the light switch with my fingers. After successfully finding it I rejoiced the room flicking on from above.

Alright. Looks like nobody's in here. I'll just whip something up real quick ...Pasta sounds good.

I made my way over to the assortments of spices that sat neatly on a display rack. The rack even seemed to be organized alphabetically most likely the work of the perfectionist elder brother, Reiji Sakamaki.

... ...Okay. How about some seasoning?

My fingertips hesitantly brushed over the metal tops of the spices. Yet, as I was to reach for one a masculine voice sounded from behind me.

"Well, well. You appear to be having fun."

"Kyaa! Reiji-san!" I shrieked.

I turned around to face the origin of my fright. Reiji stood with finesse one of his arms rested against his chest as the other accurately adjusted his glasses. His eyebrows pulled together at his forehead inclining inward.

"You know, it's quite rude to scream at a person's face." He said the corner of his lip twitched briefly, exposing his disaproval.

M-My bad...I-I didn't hear anyone coming, that's why.

The lithely way he carried himself, his footfalls imperceptible was almost animalistic.

"Anyway... there any reason why you sneaked into the kitchen?"

As I remained mute Reiji's eyebrows relaxed dropping his arms to his sides, his lips naturally turn downwards. I pulled my lip with the top of my teeth biting it before answering.

"Uh... ...Uhm, I just wanted to make a night meal is all... ..."

Reiji opened his mouth and replied, " ...Without asking me first?"

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