Black Widow

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Chapter 25: Black Widow

He was like the black widow the perfect harmony of danger and charm, fascinating yet inaccessible. Who deliberately enchants you then when complacent sucks the blood from you as you lay motionless in his embrace. He was dreadful and at the same time utterly tempting in a forbidden way.

The trees friction resembled the grand ovation of an audience steady and raucous. As I looked overhead the obsidian sky mingled with stars forming an assimilation of color. I stood where the garden met the forest staring blankly into the clearing.

"Shall we play?" A voice asked.


Alarmed I fell backwards jarring my head at the harsh fall. What stood in front of me was a young girl with pointed teeth and a face so pale it was unearthly.

"Lets playyyyy..."

I shut my eyes tight as she screeched, bounding forward. Yet, when I opened my eyes I was no longer by that forest but in Reiji's room.

Oh right! I was sharing a room together with him. I must have dozed off. The stream of noise that radiated from the bathroom stopped. The door came open gingerly, steam dissipating into nothingness.

"Pardon me for going first."


My eyes wandered tracing the well defined features of his torso. When my eyes became fixated on the white towel that rested bellow his navel his lips turned upward into a smirk. As if taunting me with his presumptuous disposition.

"Huuh, I'd like to go to sleep early today."

"Go take your bath soon." He added languidly advancing forward.

"Y...Yes ."

I couldn't help but notice the beads of liquid which tumbled down from his glossy jet hair into the carpet. If he were the devil the he would have already seduced me with his with his sexual magnetism. It made my heart jump and dance within my chest.

" Why are you standing there with such a dumb look on your face? I told you to take your bath soon, didn't you hear me?" He snarled.

" Ah...... Yes! I-I'm sorry! I'll go! " I yelped as I scurried into the bathroom securing the door behind me.

I adjusted the water and slipped inside. After several minutes of soaking I finally was able to relax. It feels so good I want to stay in here.

"You're slow." Reiji grumbled as he let himself inside.


"You. How long did you plan on letting me wait? "

I was flustered at his sudden appearance and floundered with my response, '' Wha, Wha...... Reiji-san!?'

"It's inexcusable to take a long bath despite me telling you that I want to go to sleep early." He adjusted his glasses with a glare.

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