Chapter 4

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He walks away after that leaving me a hundred of questions.


The lunch time ended in one hour, and yeap..both of us were just in the class getting to know each other. Just then,Jihyun and Haeun walked up to me-

Well I should said they walked up to him. must be Taehyung the new student right?

Taehyung: Yes.

Jihyun:Can we take a photo with you pleassseee *puppy eyes*

Taehyung:umm...yea sure...

Haeun:Aww thank you!!

They start taking photos with some random poses but taehyung didn't seems too happy. He just smile normally and did his rectangular smile while Jihyun and Haeun did some silly poses and kissy faces. He looked annoyed after finish taking the picture with them.

Jihyun:Damnn Kim Taehyung! You look so finee!!

Haeun:We look so ugly in all the 10 pictures!T . T

They just want his attention.

Taehyung:Hahaha two looks pretty in every pictures..

Haeun:Omo really???!!


Before Haeun and Jihyun could tried to flirt with him more,our biology teacher,Mrs.park walked into the class. She looks strict and scary but deep inside she's really nice and friendly...

In a hurry,the two humans quickly went back to thier original seats and greet Mrs.Park.

"You all may sit down now," adviced Mrs. Park as she began fixing her spectacles. We all did as told so. The lesson begin and the Mrs.Park starts asking us some mutiple choices questions about biology, some of them were raising thier hands but she picked Jin,which is the smartest.


Jin:The answer is the 'B'

Mrs.Park:That's correct Jin! You may sit down.

Jin sat down on his seat but then suddenly someone threw a pencil which almost hit his left eye. The person was probably trying to return the pencil to someone who sits near Jin but ended up almost hitting Jin's left eye. "Who's that??" Mrs.Park yelled angrily. The class become quiet and everyone look at each other. "It was Minhyung!" Someone pointed and the others few agreed. "Yes,teacher! I saw Minhyung throwing the pencil justnow!"The chubby boy replied. "I didn't-" before Minhyung could say anything,his words were cut off by Mrs.Park. "Even though you didn't mean to hit it on Jin,but returning it by throwing is not very nice!" "S-sorry.." he mumbled and look at the ground. "You will have 2 hours of detention after school," with that,she walked to the whiteboard and continues the lesson.

The bell rang signaling that it was a choreography lesson. Everyone got up excitedly going to the practice room for dancing as I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to look who it was and it was Taehyung.

"Oh..Is there anything,Tae?"

"This is the choreography is it?"

"Yeap...we had to warm up first,"

The whole of us were warming up about 20 minutes until Miss Yuna, our choreography teacher whistled the whistle. "Alright! Let's get dancing now,shall we?" The whole class jump excitedly. "Ne!" One by one is called out until it was my turn. I stepped in front and start dancing. Doing backflips and all those that really hurt my ankle but I tried my best not to fall or fail as there were so many people watching me. Finally it ended! Just good,I got an 'A' but all I can only do now is walk abnormally. It was Taehyung's turn and I could tell you that,he was really good at dancing. The girls started screaming like some fangirls watching thier bias performing on the stage and same goes to the boys too.

"That's amazing! I've never seen anyone can dance this good in this school! You should join some dancing contest, I bet you're gonna win,Taehyung!" She clapped her hand in suprised after the dance was ended. "Thank you,Miss Yuna!" He bowed at her politely.

The lesson ended after 1 hour and all of us went back into our class. Our whole class was filled with chatters and gossiping.

Girl 1:Omo! I've never seen a boy this good looking other than the three who were Jimin,Jungkook and Yoongi!

Girl 2:He's not only good looking, but talented too! He dances so smooth and he didn't fall or make any mistakes at all!

Girl 3:I know right!

Girl 1:Ughh that lucky bitch...I hate her..

Girl 2 and 3:Who? Jiwon? *whispers*

From the corner of my eye,I could see the first girl nodding her head and mouthed "yes". Taehyung heard that too but both of us pretend like nothing happened. " you have any friends in this school...?" He asked and giving me his box smile or signature smile which is the rectangular smile. "Well..not anymore.." The memories of me,Jihyun and Haeun hits into my mind. The moment when our happy moments appear, I feel like my heart just sank down.

(Flashback of three of us)

We treated each other like biological sisters...we don't really care whether we are biological or step..each night when I'm scared to sleep alone,I would always went into her room to sleep with her or either she sometimes went into my room and sleep with me...we always watch tv together,play games together,do activities together...sometimes we pranked each other, we never figh. After being caught pranking,we didn't scold eachother or even blame. We just laughed and prank back as a revenge. But and Jihyun were no longer like last time. We stopped talking to each other,ignore,quarrel and hate each other...our memories crumbled into dead leaves...

Haeun was the funniest, craziest,weridest, nicest and most hyperactive among me and Jihyun. She loves to make silly jokes, cheer us up when one of us get sad or feeling down. She always gave me courage when I don't feel confident in something...she cares about us alot,almost like the mother of us..I had missed our friendship,the time when we were all happy...and now..she's my enemy..we never get happy when we met each other,each time met we, we just felt like smacking each other...

(End of the flashback)

"Why not anymore..?" Taehyung asked curiously with his eyes widened. "'s a pretty long story..." I sighed and gave him a faint smile. "It's okay,they're all over now..the past is the past...let's...n-not talk about this araso?^" I smile and patted his head like a mom patting his son's head. His whole face turned red and he quickly look away before I noticed.

Too late taehyung^

"Araso!" He replied while pretending to look around. "Soo....which town are you from...?" I changed the topic into a topic that is not related to three of us at all. "Ohh..I'm from seo district, daegu," "Hmm...I see.."I nod and gave him a thumbs up. He use his rectangular smile as a return.

Dang...he's kinda cute..

A/N:Hey guys! How was it? I'm so sorry if this update was kinda lame :(( I promise I'll do more Jiyung's (Jiwon &Taehyung) moments in the next chapter! Hope everyone is having a great day today!

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