Chapter 3: "It's my fault."

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⚠️WARNING: Some heavy themes will feature throughout this chapter.⚠️

Sitting alone in a cold, empty room with nothing but the grey walls to distract me; I'm forced to listen as the doctor on the other side of the door explains to my family that I've suffered a miscarriage at six weeks of pregnancy.

Hearing those fatal words has my stomach churning and an overwhelming feeling of guilt shooting through my entire being. The dull pain lingering in the pit of my stomach is nagging at me and acts as a constant reminder of what my body has done, what I have done.

I lost our baby.

I close my eyes in a desperate attempt to block out my surroundings and much to my annoyance, it doesn't work. I can still hear as Anna demands to know more information, I can still smell the overpowering, domestic scent that all hospitals seem to hold and I can still feel my sadness as it consumes me from the inside out.

How can I have been so stupid? If I just got myself here sooner, maybe things would be different.

My erratic thoughts are interrupted when I hear the door creak and I cautiously open my eyes to find a tall man with dirt blonde hair and blue-green eyes strolling in. He looks professional in his attire and his painted on smile suggests he has this performance down to a T.

He locks his eyes onto mine and drags the chair across the room so that he can seat himself opposite me.

"Hello Amelia, I'm Dr. Heathman. How are you feeling?" he asks, sympathy radiating off of him.

I nod my head slowly and squeak out my reply,


The biggest lie known to mankind.

He studies my face for a brief moment and shoots me a warm smile. Taking his notes, he scans over the piece of paper with great intensity before bringing his eyes up to meet mine again.

"You're seventeen, correct?" he asks.

Once again, nodding my head, I answer him,

"Yes, I'm eighteen next month."

He places the notes on the bed next to me and offers me his undivided attention.

"According to your sister, you were aware of your pregnancy?" he asks, his voice as soft as silk.

His words have me cringing and a fresh, sickening wave of hate pulses through me.

I hate myself.

I nod my head; too scared to speak.
Dr. Heathman shifts in his chair and maintains strong eye contact with me.

"Okay, I need you to listen to what I'm going to say Amelia, it's really important." he says, the sudden urgency seeping through in his voice making me tense.

I attach my eyes on to his and try my hardest to focus on his words.

"You've suffered a miscarriage which will have some physical effects on you. The bleeding and the pain you're experiencing now is the tissue passing out of your body. This can last for up to seven days or even go on as long as fourteen days. Once the pain and the bleeding has stopped, this usually indicates the miscarriage has finished." he explains, taking his time; making sure I can understand everything he is saying.

"If, after fourteen days, nothing has changed; you should refer back to the hospital and we'll have someone check you over." he says, his eyes glaring into mine.

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