Chapter 26: "Come back to me."

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Denial; it's a common symptom to experience after undergoing intense trauma and although a defence mechanism created by the conscious mind, it's not helpful in the slightest, nor emotionally healthy. Instead of facing ones true emotion, it simply allows for the brain to switch off from the pain it is suffering and as a result, drowns in fake feelings made up to protect us from what is really going on around us. In this instance, Aidan's return.

"It's not you. This isn't real." I gently whisper, too scared to increase my volume in fear of breaking down. "It can't be real."

Refusing to believe the severity of the situation and doing so by backing away from his warm touch, I stumble backwards, only to lose my footing on my seemingly unsteady legs. Thankfully, I'm caught between two strong arms and there's no denying their familiarity which leads me to believe had it not been for my blindfold still firmly held in place, I'd swear by it really being him.

"It's real, Amelia, I'm real." he ensures, voice running down my ear like soft silk, caressing my every being as it travels down to the very core of my stomach.

"Aidan." I whisper, breathlessly clinging onto him, partly because I'm still stuck in a position midway through falling and partly because I never want to let go.

He slowly steadies me on my feet and allows for his hands to further cup my cheeks, gently pealing away the blindfold as he goes. My vision becomes instantly blurred and I'm vaguely aware of a dark figure in front of me while smaller, quieter ones stand off to my right. I then hear the distant sounds of hushed chatter and blink a few times to rid the haze, hoping to find some clarity on the situation as I do so. Eventually it begins to work and as the veil is lifted from my line of sight, I gasp as I take in the magnificent view before me.

Stood in an elegant hall that can only be described as regally appropriate, I feel awfully out of place in my tiny red dress and suddenly wish I'd opted out for something far more conservative. In front of me are wall length windows offering up a delightful showing of the splendid gardens below; blues, yellows and reds all fighting to be seen in the many flower beds spread evenly across the aches of land. Indoors is no less breathtaking as above my head hangs elegant chandeliers, dazzling in crystals and screaming expense. Below them are various platforms, each one dripping with tasteful fairy lights that offer the entire space a rather relaxed atmosphere. Beside them, I notice a mix of off-white lilies adorning what appears to be a runway and to my right, unexpectedly, stands everyone I know, family included.

"What's going on? Why are you here? Why are they here?" I question, pointing a finger towards the large crowd of people, trying my best to wrap my head around the events surrounding the past five minutes.

To give credit where it's due, Aidan doesn't press for physical contact, probably sensing my slight apprehension in doing so and instead gestures for me to follow him around a large platform, offering us a sense of privacy.

"You're angry with me?" he questions, once in position and sounding slightly nervous in his enquiry but proceeding onwards nevertheless.

I barely have capability to think, let alone speak so when we end up just aimlessly staring at each other, I'm not surprised in the least. He looks scared, frightened even and as I come to realise my lack of answering his question is likely the cause of that, I open my mouth to speak, keen to offer him some reassurance.

"I'm not angry." I ensure, taking a small step closer. "I'm just confused." I then admit, bravely resting my hand to his beating heart, which may I say is rather rapidly hammering away in his rib cage.

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