Chapter 13: Secrets spilled

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The next morning I wake up to the blinding sun hanging low in the perfectly clear sky, not a single cloud dotting it's rich blueness while each bird sings happily as they descend from their morning flight; their happy demeanour mirroring my own good mood. I slowly and carefully stretch out each individual limb and release a long sigh as my body aches in all the right places, acting as a happy reminder of last nights events. It would appear, in our haste to undress, I forgot to shut my curtains and with the brightness now forcing its way into my eyes, I begrudgingly shift onto my side, further snuggling into Aidan's rock hard chest. His arms instantly tighten around my waist and I relish in the feeling of our naked body's firmly pressing together in an intimate way, mine perfectly moulding into his.

"Morning, beautiful." he grunts, sleep clearly manipulating his voice to take on a rougher edge.

"Morning." I reply, pressing my lips softly to his tattoo, not quite getting enough of its sentiment.

Aidan stiffens against my touch, his breaths soon becoming ragged and rushed, which more or less hints towards his loss of control and while I seemingly take over the situation, I notice his cheeky smile deepening.

"No regrets?" he asks, rather abruptly which instantly causes me to stop what I'm going to stare up into his slightly glazed over eyes.

"No regrets." I confirm, stroking his stubble, finding it incredibly sexy on him. "You?" I question, ever so cautiously.

"None." he confidently replies and with a flip of my waist, he has me trapped between him and the bed.

Hot, wet kisses are then carelessly placed all over my upper body and with his attention soon shifting further south, I wrap my hands firmly around my bed sheets and prepare myself for the much anticipated inevitable. Unfortunately, it doesn't come as quick to interrupt the moment is the sound of Anna entering my apartment, courtesy of her spare key, seemingly heading straight towards our current location.

"Anna, wait!" I warn, just as Aidan removes himself from his position enough to cover his dignity.

Seconds later, my door swings open, revealing a rather startled looking Anna, who although praises herself on having a rather laid back manner, looks just about as shocked as they come.

"What the fu-"

"Shit, Anna can you give us a sec. I'll be out in a minute." I plead, further hiding my embarrassment by burying my face into my hands.

Oddly enough, she doesn't protest and leaves without uttering another word; the slight slamming of my bedroom door more than suggesting her utmost disapproval.

"Fuck!" breathes Aidan, jumping from the bed to redress but pauses when he realises none of his attire actually made it into my bedroom last night. "That's not how I planned this morning going." he explains, grabbing a towel off my chair to wrap around his hips and looking like nothing less than a Greek God stood, deliciously at the foot of my bed.

"I know, me neither." I express, following suit as I too, begin to change into more suitable clothing.

I nervously pull on a red sun dress and mill over any potential excuses that come to mind, annoyed when I come up short.

"What are we going to say?" I ask, hoping Aidan can shed some light in my direction.

"Well, darling I don't think there's a lot we can say. She caught us in bed together, she's not an idiot. We'll just have to go with the truth." he replies, flattening in hair in an attempt to undo all my handiwork from the previous evening.

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