Chapter 21: Trespassing

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After an hour or so spent talking to and around my Mom's grave, Aidan and I decide to make tracks and leave once I've uttered out my final goodbyes. Heading a few blocks away, we make our way towards where I used to live in a rather run down area and clock sight of my not so proud looking apartment block sitting ever so elegantly in the middle of the neighbourhood, emulating the very essence of dingy.

"Welcome to my not so humble abode." I sarcastically state, gesturing towards the off-White, slightly yellowing building with crumbling walls and boarded up windows.

"You used to live here?" asks Aidan, desperately trying not to sound so shocked.

I laugh at his failed attempts but appreciate his efforts nevertheless. "Yes, but don't worry. It's actually a lot nicer inside and the people were lovely. I think it's the true inspiration behind 'don't judge a book by its cover'." I admit, pulling ever so slightly on his hand in a 'follow me' gesture.

He does so reluctantly and although with a definite resilience to his step, he matches my enthusiasm and happily scans the entire area, smiling once he's given his surroundings a good looking at.

"I like it, it's got character." he expresses, making me smile.

That's certainly one way to describe it.

We both share a brief smile and slowly make our way towards my old home, noticing once close enough its ever worsening condition. All the windows are smashed out and while I failed to see it at first, the entire building is surrounded by rather large metal fences, preventing the general public from entering.

"They're pulling it down." informs Aidan on a shocked gasp, pointing his free hand towards a planning permission notice pinned up on the far right hand side, covered in grubby looking laminate.

I briefly read over it to discover the building was deemed unfit for purpose seven months ago and is due for bulldozing in only two weeks time. The news comes as no surprise but I feel the ever tightening of my chest take over as my reluctant head shake comes into play. I don't want this building to be destroyed. It holds so many special memories for me, memories I'm not quite ready to let go of yet.

"Are you OK, darling?" whispers Aidan, gently tugging on my arm and forcing my body into a half hug.

He softly caresses my hair with his left hand and litters my forehead with sweet, gentle kisses, each one reassuring in their own special way.

"Fine. It's just a bit sad that's all. I would've liked to have seen it before it got destroyed." I admit, allowing the feeling of sadness to wash over me as Aidan's comforting touch dulls the pain some.

"Who's to say we can't." comes his overly confident reply in the form of a mischievous suggestion. "I don't see any security cameras and those padlocks look about as flimsy as a hair tie." he adds, pointing towards the, surely enough, pathetic looking chains.

"Are you serious? We can't just break in, surely that's illegal?" I whisper-yell, suddenly aware of my heart beating ten to the dozen.

My mind instantly begins to race and with images of I've spending the night in a cell prominently taking over, I shake my head in a 'hell no' manner, reluctant to do this.

"We'll only be ten minutes max, it's just for you to have one last look at the place before they bring it down. I promise nothing bad will happen, I'll make sure of it." he insists, already leaving my side to try his luck at breaking through the chains.

Much to my delight or distress, I'm really not sure, he manages to loosen the chains enough for us both to squeeze past and before I can rationalise my actions, I find myself ducking under the gates, entering the 'No Trespassing' zone. My breathing becomes shallow and my palms begin to sweat, rather profusely, to which I attempt to keep at bay by wiping them on my jean-clad thighs.

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