Chapter 5: Long time, no see

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Sipping cautiously on my champagne, I enjoy the fizz as it bubbles over my tongue and slides smoothly down my throat.
Upbeat music blares from the speakers, mocking me in its happiness; creating an ironic juxtaposition to my true feelings.

With another quick glance around the room, I breath out a sigh of relief when I don't see him.

"Looking for someone?" Jess' voice sounds from beside me, startling me slightly.

I turn my attention to her, locking my eyes straight onto her floor length, lilac dress. The silk-like fabric clings to her body in all the right places, highlighting her beautiful curves; it's colour matching her pale skin perfectly. Her hair is slightly curled and hangs loosely down her back.

I shoot her an assuring smile and bring my glass up to my lips again.

"Nope, just people watching." I say, nonchalantly while taking another sip of the bubbly deliciousness. 

Jess doesn't seem convinced; the crease in her forehead being a dead give away. Her face resembles that of someone in pain and I know something is wrong.

"Amelia, I need to tell you something." she declares, placing a gentle hand on my arm.

"Okay, give me your honest opinion. Mr.Blue eyes over by the bar, hot or not?" Anna's voice interrupts our moment, causing Jess to back track a little.

I allow my gaze to travel over to the stranger in question and begin to evaluate his physical appearance.

Definitely hot.

"He seems nice." I say, smiling sweetly at Anna.

She rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head disapprovingly.

"What?" I ask, curious as to why I'm getting such a reaction from her.

"I asked if he is hot, not if he is nice." she says, obviously mocking me.

Well, excuse me for being old fashioned.

I simply shrug my shoulders and offer her a sarcastic smile.

"He's definitely hot and totally checking you out." Jess joins in, smirking at Anna.

Sure enough, the blue-eyed stranger is looking Anna up and down as if he too is weighing up his options.
He catches us looking and raises his glass up in acknowledgement.

"Who is he? Do you know him?" Anna asks Jess, sounding hopeful.

Jess shrugs her shoulders and offers her a tiny smile.

"I have no idea, why don't you go over there and find out." Jess says, shooting Anna a subtle wink.

I roll my eyes at the pair of them and set my glass down on the table. Standing up, I smooth out my dress and turn to leave.

"Well, while you do that; I'm going to pee." I state, already feeling the pressure of my bladder building.

"Wait, Amelia. That thing that I needed to tell you." Jess says, stopping me in my tracks.

I turn to face her, offering her a pained expression.

"Can it wait until after? I've had a lot of champagne." I all but plead with her.

She chuckles slightly, nodding her head as she does so; enabling me to leave.


After peeing in what can only be described as the most luxury bathroom known to mankind, I exit; having every intention of heading back and joining Anna and Jess.
Entering the grand hallway, I turn a sharp corner and instantly crash into a moving object.
A pair of large hands come to wrap around my small waist, stopping me from falling and I find my own landing on a very warm, very toned chest.

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