Chapter 6: For old time's sake*

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Having switched two hours ago from champagne to double vodka and coke; I'm definitely beginning to feel the effects.

With a hazy mind and unfocused eyes, I scan the dance floor, only to be greeted by couples swaying happily in their pairs. Allowing my eyes to linger ever so slightly over a certain couple, I bring my drink further up to my lips and swallow a large amount of alcohol.

I hate seeing his hands on her like that.

"You look like you could use some company. Mind if I sit?" A deep voice interrupts from my right, startling me in the process.

Ripping my gaze away from them, I look up and offer him a halfhearted smile while nodding my head; instantly feeling dizzy as I do so.

"It's Connor, by the way" he says, taking a seat while his warm, muddy eyes burn into mine.

I stare at him for a moment before replying,


There's a moment of silence while I study his face; carefully observing his every feature. His dark brown eyes hold great mystery and I find myself drawn to them; unable to look away. Short, sandy blonde hair falls awkwardly over his forehead, creating a messy look and the sudden desire to run my fingers through it hits me. Moving my gaze to his plump, pink lips, which are currently resting in a half smirk, I find my mind subconsciously imagining them pressed against my own.

"Well Amelia, care to explain why a beautiful woman like you is sat all alone at a wedding?" he asks with a flirtatious edge lacing his voice.

I shoot him a small smile; deciding I might as well humour this guy.

"Well I'm not alone anymore, am I?" I reply in a serious, yet friendly tone.

His smile widens, showing off his cute cheek dimples, causing my stomach to flip at how attractive he is.

"Wow, beautiful with a sense of humour. It must be my lucky day." he states ever so confidently.

I raise both my eyebrows up and flash him a questioning look.

His cockiness reminds me of a certain someone else I know.

"Who says you're lucky?" I ask, mocking him in his confidence.

Once again, he smiles; revealing those adorable dimples of his, causing my alcohol fuelled mind to imagine my tongue in them.

Leaning in and bringing his mouth close to my ear he whispers seductively,

"You, hopefully."

The delicious shiver that runs down my spine as a result of his breath whispering across the base of my neck has my breath hitching in the back of my throat. He can see clearly the effect he's having on me and is enjoying every second of it.

"So Amelia, tell me, do you dance?" he asks, looking at me expectantly.

I offer him a blank look before replying,

"Define 'dance'."

He laughs at this; the deep sound vibrating through my entire being, creating a sense of anticipation on my behalf.

Turning his attention to the dace floor, a mischievous smile tugs at the corners of his mouth before his gaze finally returns back to me.

"I could just show you?" he states while offering me his hand.

I look at it for a short while, weighing up my options, before eventually deciding what the hell.
Sighing out a short breath, I grab his hand and allow his strong support to pull me up.

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