Chapter 14: Decisions

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Having taken Hannah's advice and explaining, from the beginning, mine and Aidan's current predicament, I finish off feeling as though a weight has been lifted from my chest and already have a clearer perspective on things. I made sure to include everything, ranging from our agreement, to Anna finding us in bed together this morning and to say Hannah handles the news with ease is an understatement.

With listening ears and a non-judgemental tone, its a wonder she didn't become a therapist, although I must admit, the likelihood of her being slightly biased is a awfully high but still.

We're roughly mid way through our third cup of lemon and ginger tea; the herbal goodness proving as much a relaxation as anything when the irritating sound of someone frantically ringing the front doorbell sounds around us, quite frankly scaring me half to death. Ethan immediately stirs from his nap, which is no surprise when considering the loudness that is currently filtering through the entire house and with a begrudging sigh that would more than suggest her annoyance, Hannah rushes to the door, desperate for whoever it is to stop.

"Hannah, thank God." comes Anna's frantic voice, her tone filled to the brim with panic. "I've screwed up big time. It's Amelia, she hates me and I don't think she'll forgive me this time-" she cries, freezing mid sentence when locking her teary blue pools onto mine, her face physically contorting in pain as she does so.

"She's your sister, Anna of course she'll forgive you. You both just need to talk things through." responds Hannah, physically dragging her over to sit next to me, our awkwardness instantly creating a rather tense atmosphere.

Neither one of us speaks first, leaving poor Hannah to do all the initiating which, thankfully, she doesn't protest to doing.

"It's quite the mess you've gotten yourself into, isn't it, Amelia?" she speaks and I'm not quite sure if she's trying to crack a joke at the expense of my situation. "I in no way condone Aidan cheating on his fiancé but I'm afraid your situation isn't as straight forward as that. You have history together and I think it's pretty obvious old feelings still exist." she explains, making total sense in what she is saying. "And while I understand you're confused and upset with Anna for revealing that piece of information, I think you need to see things from her prospective. She's worried about you, sweetheart, we all are. We saw first hand what happened when Aidan left four years ago. No one wants to see you retreat back to that state when he leaves again in a months time. You've done so well to get where you are now, it'll be a shame to undo all that hard work as a result of one night together." she finishes, not one piece of judgement coming through in her tone.

I hesitantly nod my head, reluctant to fire straight back with my argument but determined to get my point across nevertheless. I have to make them respect my opinion on the matter, otherwise they'll never support me in my decisions and as much as I'm very much my own person, I need my family around to help.

"I understand that, I really do but everyone needs to stop treating me like I'm a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any minute." I express, making sure to maintain strong eye contact with them both. "I'm thankful for your worry and I appreciate your apprehension when it comes to me spending more time with him but I honestly don't know what else to do. I'm miserable without him and I know I'm being unrealistic; I'm well aware he's engaged to Sophie but I need you to realise that I'm doing this to try and get closure."


"And I know what you're going to say. That I won't get closure from this and it'll only lead to more heartbreak." I interrupt, cutting Anna off in her much anticipated defence. "Maybe you're right, perhaps it will but I can't let my regret ruin me again. Do you know that's the one thing that keeps me up at night? Regret. I regret breaking up with him in the first place and while this may send me down another path of self destruction, at least I won't have to live with the 'what ifs'." I conclude, feeling exhausted after my elaborate explanation.

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