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Hello and welcome, fellow Ozian! I'm just going to give a brief overview here:

I will be posting different types of short stories and one-shots on here, and to make life a bit easier, I shall give them titles that catergorise them into different things.... if that makes any sense. I shall try to oexplain myself here.

Short stories or standalone one shots will just have the title.

If it is the retelling of a scene in the film or musical, it will have the name of the scene / song,, followed by "*insert character name here* POV. These will be kinda bit more like monologues, I guess. More feelings and emotions and stuff and less actual action.

I think that's it, but if I have another things, I'll update this!

Have fun! (And I'm not even going to apologise for the inevitable Gelphie stuff that will appear sooner or later!)

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