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(Hello, yes another Omegaverse. I wanted to do one starting around the time of no regrets, Levi joining the survey corps, his backstory, falling in love with Erwin. This is basically going to be what 'My Omega' was supposed to be. And it's gonna be long, very long with multiple parts considering I haven't done a multi part fic since 'Possession'. I'll put a warning here for all the feels and gore near the end because the shit is hitting the fan right for the start, if you know my works then you'll know I don't mind taking your feels and putting them in a blender, so strap in.)

Alpha. The man in front of him practically oozed it. Levi had hated the word Alpha all his life and the man in front of him, Erwin Smith, made that hatred white hot. This was because of a number of reasons; he'd gotten his soldiers to man handle Farlan and Isabelle, he made his big mutt of a solider push Levi's face in the mud, and he made the Omegan side of Levi want to bare his neck. Levi did not submit to Alphas. He was only following this one because he had a job to do.
They were taken up the stair and forced in a carriage, which Levi could tell Isabelle was quite excited about. Afterall, she'd never been out of the Underground and never ridden in a horse-drawn carriage but she didn't express her excitement. They'd agreed to stay tight lipped when they were caught until it was necessary to speak.

They arrived at the Survey Corp's headquarters and taken to what Levi assumed was the medical wing on a count of all the wounded soldiers. They were led to a room and met three Betas all of which were dressed in plain white uniforms and gloves. One of the male betas stepped forward, "It's been requested that you three are physically examined before you start active duty in the Corp. Considering all of the infection that runs wild in the Underground." He spoke as if they didn't know how dirty the Underground was and it made Levi's blood boil. But he held his tongue and allowed it to happen. The only female of the three Betas walked up to Isabelle. "If you'd like to come with me." She said, directing Isabelle to the door.
Isabelle's face scrunched into a frown, "Why can't I stay here?"
"Because you're female. We'll go to the room next door." The Beta tried to take hold of Isabelle's arm but she pulled away from the soldier's grip. "I want to stay with Farlan and Levi bro." Isabelle shouted and began to back away from the women. One of the male Betas stepped forwards and grabbed for Isabelle but Farlan caught his hand. "Don't you touch her." He growled, letting his Alpha scent overpower the room. Normally Levi would've snap at him for losing control so easily but he liked the way the Beta flinched in Farlan's grip. "Fine," he spat through gritted teeth, "She'll have to strip in front of you two then." He glared at Isabelle as if to prove somekind of point, to which she replied by grabbing the bottom of her shirt and pulling it over her head. "Come on then, examine me." She said.

Levi stood with his arms out as they measured him for a uniform. Farlan and Isabelle sat across the room having already had it done. The female Beta asked him questions about himself, name, age, etc. She then asked, "Biological status?"
"Beta." Levi said, watching as Farlan's eyes went wide for a second.
"Mated?" She continued.
"Of course not." She muttered under her breath before turning away from him. "You can get dressed again."
Levi's frown deepened but he said nothing.

From there they were taken to the room that they'd be staying in while they were in the Corp. Once they were finally left alone Farlan smacked Levi's shoulder. "Levi," he said, "why did you lie?"
"I'm just gonna fucking tell them I'm an Omega am I?" Levi stood closer to the Alpha so he could get in his face.
"They'll find out soon though, won't they? What are you going to do without suppressant?" Farlan shouted back at him.
"I'll be fine." Levi said, losing some of his anger because Farlan was right, without suppressants he'll go into heat.
"You're not going to be fine. You can only pretend to be an Alpha for so long. The idiots in the Underground believed you but these soldiers will see through your lie." Farlan said, referring to the act Levi had had going in the Underground.

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