I'm sorry

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(Okay so I realised after I published the last part I hadn't changed the title from my editing title of a bunch of random letters and then I changed it after it had been up a couple of hours, nothing too major but you guys got a little glimpse into my editing process. I was also told it was a little jumpy on the timescale so I'll try to make it obvious when the time does jump, this is going to sound like an excuse for my shitty writing but it had been so long since I last posted a part and I just wanted to get something out and I don't think it was some of my best. I hope this part will make up for it. I'm gonna put a warning here, because it gets a little graphic near the end.)

It had been a week since the expedition and Erwin was running his hands over Levi's sore foot, gently rubbing away the pain by candle light. Levi hummed at the soothing feeling. "Do you see them now as well." Erwin asked quietly, it had been bothering him since the night after the expedition but he didn't want to upset Levi by asking him. Levi looked at Erwin from where his head lay at the top of the bed. He nodded when Erwin met his gaze. Erwin frowned for a moment before continuing to massage Levi's foot. Levi had become a lot quieter since the expedition and kept to himself more than usual. Erwin redressed Levi's foot when he finished and crawled up the bed to find Levi asleep with his face pressed into his pillow. Erwin kissed his Omega and hoped he would have a nightmare free sleep.

Levi heard Erwin get up when morning came but he chose to try and stay asleep, he felt Erwin kiss his cheek before he left and he smiled ever so slightly.
He woke again sometime later when the light in the room was much brighter. Carefully he dressed and padded barefoot down the hallway. He used the walls as support and slowly made his way to Erwin's office. This had become his routine for the last couple of days. As he got closer to his destination he began to pass soldiers in the halls. Most continued passed him without a word, being too scared of his dark aura. Mike walked up the hall and stopped by Levi to ask how he was, Levi nodded his head left to right and let his frown deepen. Mike placed his hand on Levi's shoulder, "It'll get better, I promise." he said before continuing with his duties knowing whatever he said wouldn't help Levi. Levi didn't bother knocking when he got to Erwin's office. There was a soldier speaking to Erwin when he walked in but he paid her no mind and took his place on one of Erwin's sofas.

At times like this Levi appreciated his Omega genes, Omegas have less energy and stamina than Alphas so when he was as emotional exhausted as he was at the moment he was able to sleep wherever and whenever he liked. For the last two days he'd slept in Erwin's office not caring who came in and saw him in his weak state, the General could have walked in and he still wouldn't have cared. Some time later a loud, rapid knock woke him from his dozy state. He listened to Erwin and the soldier talk without turning around. "Commander! Cadet Eren Jaeger has started a fight with another Alpha." The Beta female sounded very distressed. Levi sat up and stretched his arms out in front of himself. "Take me there, Erwin." Levi said, catching both the Alpha's and the Beta's attention. Erwin stood almost instantly and offered Levi his arm.

They followed the soldier down to the courtyard. Stood in the middle of the yard was a group of soldiers all jeering and shouting at the two in the middle of the circle. Levi could see Eren standing toe to toe with a much older and much bigger Alpha soldier. Levi let go of Erwin's arm and limped to the group, he gestured for Erwin to stay when he moved to follow him. As he approached the more smarter, seasoned soldiers stopped their shouting and parted for Levi to enter the circle. Levi noticed the majority of the circle was constructed of the 104th trainee squad. "What's going on here?" Levi said when the two Alphas decided to acknowledge his presence. There was quiet for a moment, Eren shocked into silence because he'd been caught by Levi himself. "He's walking around like he fucking owns the place with his scent overpowering everything. I don't know how he has the balls after what he did to your squad, they'd be okay if he wasn't such a fuck up." Levi froze at the soldiers words and he felt Erwin's presence come closer. White hot anger then surged through him and he grabbed the Alpha's collar, pulling him down to his level. "Where were you when my squad was being murdered? Huh, can't answer? Let me tell you, you were outside the forest letting the titans in and giving that traitor an escape. So before you start pointing fingers make sure you tried your hardest to prevent the deaths of your comrades." Levi pushed the soldier back as he let him go, causing him to stumble into his friends. Levi then turned to Eren, "You. Come with me." Stewing with anger Levi hobbled back to Erwin and took his arm again. Erwin led Levi back inside with Eren following obediently behind them.

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