Wings of Freedom

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(This is it the last part. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it. It's really short but I didn't want to fit it onto the end of the last part. Sorry it took so long, I thought I had published this like two weeks ago and it said that it was published but when I checked it today it wasn't published. I didn't mean for it to take this long but you know that's technology for ya.)

A smile spread across Levi's face when he felt Erwin pull him to his chest. He'd been awake for a little while but he felt no urgency to get up or even wake up properly. Erwin's nose nuzzled the back of Levi's neck. "You know, you're not very good at pretending to be asleep." Erwin's voice was rough with sleep and it made a shiver run down Levi's spine. Levi laughed a little when Erwin bit the back of his neck. "Who says I was pretending?" Levi rolled over and looked up at Erwin.  The Alpha laid on his back and Levi cuddled up to his side. He looked across the room to the cot in the corner opposite their bed. It was beautiful, dark carved wood with soft blue cotton sheets on it's mattress. He could just see the little head of mousey blonde hair that stuck out from under the green blanket it was tucked up in. The blue and white wing insignia rose and fell with each little breath it took. "You can go get her if you want. She's bound to wake up in a minute anyway." Erwin said. Levi looked up at Erwin again and then back at the pup. He climbed off of Erwin and walked to the cot. She was already awake when Levi approached, her little eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling. Levi carefully lifted the pup from the crib and cuddled her close, he wrapped the blanket more securely around her before climbing back in bed. "I would never have thought that something that saw so much death would be used to preserve this little life in the future." Erwin smiled and kissed Levi's head when he cuddled close to him. Levi hide his smile in his pups head.

When they left the walls all those years ago they'd cut the hood off of Levi's Survey Corp cloak and used it as a blanket for their third and fourth pups as it seemed a waste to just throw it away. Erwin's was hung above their bed, too tattered and old to use. They were a solid reminder of a past that was not to be forgotten.

"We have to go to the market today." Levi said as their pup fed. Erwin nodded, his head resting on Levi's lap. "That means start corralling the kids. Edward doesn't like going to the market, it'll take at least an hour to get him dressed and probably the same amount of time to get Kou and Soul to even wake up." Erwin grumbled at Levi's words. "Be gone Alpha." Levi pushed at Erwin's shoulder. Finally with an over-exaggerated sigh Erwin got up and stretched.  

Levi listened to Erwin going into the three doors, from the first two he heard groans and the from the third there was just Erwin's soft talking and then Levi heard little feet running down the hallway. "Edward, come back here." Erwin called from down the hall and then the little boy came running passed the door to Levi's room. Levi sniggered. The seven year old came back to the door, clambered onto Levi's bed and hid under the covers next to Levi. "Papa's trying to make me get dressed, so I'm hiding." His little blue eyes shone up at Levi from his hiding place beside him. Of course a seven year old's attention span isn't very long and he was soon distracted by his baby sister. "Have you figured out a name for her yet?" He asked Levi.
Levi smiled and shook his head, "Not yet."
"Why don't you call her after that lady you always talk about? Petri?"
"Yeah her. You seem to really like her." Edward smiled wide.
"I don't know sweetie. Why don't you go with Papa and get dressed, we need to get food from the market." Levi half smiled back. Without question the little boy jumped of the bed and ran out the room.
It has been years since she died but for some reason hearing Ed talk about her stuck Levi's heart, he'd never told the boy about his old squad, he was too young to hear about those kinds of things but some how he must understand the relationship Levi and Petra had just by listening. Levi smiled sadly, that boy was a spitting image of Erwin sometimes.

Soon they were dressed and saddling up their horses for the ride to the market. The market was built inside wall Maria because some people didn't wish to leave and it was a place accessible from both inside and outside the walls. They lived quite far away so it took them a whole days ride to get there and back but there was no real complaints. Kou and Soul have no more than a teenaged huff when they heard they were going but Levi knew they didn't mind coming with them. They had had a special saddle made so that Edward could sit behind Erwin on his horse as he was too young to have his own and Levi had a basket for the baby attached to the side of his own saddle. It was a hassle sometimes but Levi didn't feel the need to care about it.

Half way on their journey they met a very familiar face. Hanji was riding out with what they called the New Survey Corp. Hanji being the dedicated scientist she was couldn't be happy just settling down and living the rest of her life so she created the New Survey Corp which scouted the new land outside the walls and established new villages and documented the plants and animals that they found. She's invited Erwin and Levi but they had said a long time before the titans disappeared that they would settle down once the war was won. Mike had joined her, along with Moblit, Eren and Armin.
Hanji stopped for a moment, hugged all of the family and fussed over the pup before cheerily waving good bye and carrying on. Most of her following bowed their heads in respect to Erwin and Levi as they passed.

More towns appeared as they approached the walls and almost everyone in them as they passed through said something as a welcome. People were happier now that they were free and had nothing but respect for the men who freed them.
"Look, look. Papa, it's you and daddy." Edward shouted, pointing as they walked up to wall Maria. He was pointing at the statue that stood just outside the gates. It was of Levi and Erwin. Erwin stood proud, wielding his sword in his one hand and looking intently into the distance. Levi was stood by his side with his back to Erwin's side focusing on the same thing in the distance that Erwin was, his arms were folded as they usually were back when he was a soldier but his hand just held onto the corner of Erwin's jacket sleeve that was draped over his shoulder. A gold plaque was underneath the stone they were standing on and it read:
'Humanity's savoirs
Erwin and Levi Smith
The true unbreakable wall.'


It was dark when they finally got back home and Ed was curled up in front of Erwin fast asleep. They dismounted and put the horses in the stables for the night and made sure they were comfortable before going inside. Kou and Soul went straight to bed and Erwin placed Edward in his bed too. Levi and Erwin then sat outside on their porch wrapped up in a blanket. They listened to the rolling waves that were just over the dunes that their house sat behind. "I haven't had a nightmare in years." Erwin said quietly, "About all the people I sent to their deaths." Levi looked up at Erwin, puzzled. "You know how you could see Farlan and Isabelle standing over you at night. Well I used to have dreams about about the soldiers I ordered to die, sometimes it'd just be me standing on a pile of their remains, their blank eyes staring up at me. I never told you because you had enough to keep you up at night. But they went away a couple of years after we built this house." Levi thought about what Erwin had said and then he realised something.
"I haven't seen Farlan and Isabelle for years. They've all gone, I guess I never really noticed or thought about it." Levi snuggled closer to Erwin.
"Maybe they've forgiven us." Erwin said pulling Levi as close as possible. Levi smiled and looked up at the stars. There was a cluster that seemed brighter than the others and tears welled in his eyes. Thank you, he said in his head.
"Petra," he said, "I want to call our new pup Petra. Ed suggested it to me this morning and I can't stop thinking that it fits her." He looked up at Erwin. Erwin wiped the tears from his eyes, "Petra. Yeah, I like the sound of that."

Levi thought about his strange little life and how broken it was to start with. But slowly things started fixing together. And finally, everything seemed to glue into place.

(Done! Thank you for reading and holding on during the really long waits between the last few parts. The names of their children may or may not be names of anime characters, I'm just really shit at making up names. Anyway, until next time dear reader!)

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