Levi Squad

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(This part skips forwards a few years to where Eren joins the Corps in the anime. Just thought I'd let you know so that nobody would get confused. This one's a little bit shorter than usual but it has a lot in it. Oh and sorry for the reallllllyyy long wait!)

Erwin Smith was not a jealous man and he prided himself on not using his biological status to control people. He practically oozed Alpha but over the years he's learnt how to control himself. Especially since he met Levi all those years ago. Levi didn't need an Alpha and didn't want an Alpha who acted... well Alpha. Therefore Erwin didn't feel the need to be jealous when it came to other Alphas and Levi.

That was until Eren Jaeger was placed under Levi's control. He didn't know why he had such dislike to this young Alpha but something about him Erwin didn't like. But he keep it too himself remembering what happened the last time he made something like that an issue, long story short Levi didn't sleep in the same room as him for over two weeks and then Erwin wasn't allowed to touch him for almost a month after that no matter how much he begged and apologised. Erwin trusted Levi to be able to control Eren both as an Alpha and as a solider with an unusual titan power.

There was a light knock on Erwin's office door and then it opened gently. Erwin smiled slightly, Levi had come to delivery his final report of the day. Levi's final report signified the final moment of the day that they had to be professional together. Levi would give Erwin a ran-down of what happened in the day and how Eren was settling into the Corps and once that was over they could become Alpha and Omega instead of Commander and Captain.

Once it was over Levi made them both tea before placing himself in Erwin's lap while he finished his work. Erwin then did something very unlike himself. He growled. Levi frowned and looked up at Erwin. Levi didn't even need to say anything to get an explanation. "You stink of Jaeger." Erwin said, scenting Levi's glands. Levi's hand flew to his neck, he rubbed his scent gland and then sniffed his fingers. "Shit." He muttered, "I didn't think his scent would rub off on me." Levi took hold of Erwin's wrist and pulled down his sleeve. "That kid has a fucking problem is swear. He cannot control his scent." Levi said while rubbing his neck against Erwin's gland on his wrist. Once he was finished Levi offered his neck to Erwin so he could scent his neck. Erwin instinctively licked at Levi's neck when he found no more trace of Eren's scent on his Omega. "Does it bother you?" Erwin asked fingering the green stone on Levi's collar. Levi shook his head, "Not much because I have your scent cloth but I can see it's bothering Eld. He's been spending as much time away as he possibly can. Petra said I need to get him to stop because it's even bothering her, Gunther and Oluo." The animal side of Erwin liked that Levi had been using his scent to forget Eren's. He gently became a little more forward with his kisses until Levi understood what he was trying to do. "You're inside Alpha likes that doesn't it." Levi let out a quiet laugh when Erwin nodded. "You're so weak Smith."

"Are you sure you'll be okay with him?" Erwin asked as Levi buzzed around their room, packing for his small trip to the old Survey Corp base. Levi stopped what he was doing and turned to Erwin who was perched on the end of the bed. "He's not going to cause me a problem, plus my squad's with me and Hanji's going to be there so if there's a problem they'll back me up, okay? Stop worrying, you're hair will start falling out. You'll end up looking like Shadis or Pixis." Levi kissed Erwin quickly before continuing his packing.

Levi thought he'd be okay until he realised he would have to brave the night on his own for the first time in more than seven years. He lay in the dark for a long time willing himself to go to sleep but gave up in the end. Levi pulled his jacket over his shoulders and wandered down the halls. Petra's door was open a little as he walked passed and he let the corner of his lip turn up at her blissful sleeping face. He thought of all the nice things she'd done for him since she'd join his squad. She reminded him of Isabelle. He gently pulled the door shut and continued down the halls. Pulling out a chair, he sat at a table in the mess hall. He could see the stars through the window in front of him and Petra's words echoed in his head, "My mother once said that all of the stars were people that have died and they are put in the sky to protect the people that they left behind." Levi noticed two stars next to each other that seemed to be a little bit brighter than the rest. "Will you two ever forgive me?" He asked the darkness. Levi pulled his scent cloth out of his breast pocket and held it to his nose.

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