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(It feels like it's been a really long time since I last updated, I have two reasons. One, this part was a little harder because it's in between ACWNR and the actual anime and I didn't have this one planned in my head very well, I knew the main parts that I wanted to do but I struggled to piece them together well enough, so this part does jump about a bit time scale wise but I hope it's not confusing. Reason two, I started college last week and I was adjusting to that and trying to write this so I've been a little behind in this. Anyway I hope this was worth the wait.)

Levi didn't believe in soul mates. He'd been shown only bitterness and anger for so long he didn't believe such a thing could exist. Levi still didn't know if there was such a thing as a soul mate or if it was just people romanticizing strong bonds. But if he could believe they were real and actually looked for his soul mate he wouldn't have to go far.

Erwin stayed true to his word and nothing really changed between them in their relationship. There was the addition of frequent sex which in Levi's opinion was 'not bad' and by that he means mind blowing. Levi got used to wearing the mix of his and Erwin's scent, no one beside Mike seemed to notice anyway. Mike had sniffed at Levi's collar and then smirked to himself as if he knew in detail what they'd be up to. Erwin himself didn't change much; he got a little more touchy feely when they were in private, he'd pull Levi into his lap while he finished his work or he'd spoon Levi in bed without the fear of getting a broken nose. Levi felt confident that Erwin really wouldn't change but he kept his guard up.

Levi sat in Erwin's lap. It was still daytime but Erwin wasn't very busy. It was a rare day off for most of the higher soldiers. Squad leaders, Captains and their squads get a day off separate to the cadets and drill sergeants so in case of an emergency there would always be soldiers to act straight away.
They sat in Erwin's office watching out the window, there were cadets training in the far corner of the field and squads dotted all around enjoying the first day of warmth in weeks. Levi noticed Mike and his squad under a tree, Nanaba and Finch looked like they were bickering about something as usual and it gave him another idea for a way to test Erwin on his jealousy. He smirked to himself and spoke. "You know," he said, "Mike has been sniffing at me a lot lately."
"Yeah?" Erwin asked, not seeming to be paying much attention.
"Yeah, he always sniffs at the gland behind my ears and sometimes his beard tickles my cheek." Levi waited for Erwin to react. But he didn't. He didn't even bow his head to scent Levi's glands. "That didn't even work." Levi muttered to himself but obviously loud enough for Erwin to hear because the Alpha started to laugh. Levi frowned at him, "What? You don't think I'd leave you for him. He's big and blonde and strong like you, I bet his dick's bigger than yours. I am an Omega after, all the bigger the knot the happier I'd be." Levi pouted.
"It's not him I need to worry about Levi." Erwin's laughter calmed, "He wouldn't have sex with you."
Levi's jaw dropped, "Oh am I not his type? Is he just not into strong Omegas?"
"No Levi, he's not interested in anyone. He's never had the urge to mate." Erwin chuckled at Levi's insecure behaviour.
"Wait what? But he's an Alpha." Levi looked back out at Mike, who was watching a bird peck at the grass.
"Yes, but he doesn't look at sex the way we do. There's no necessity to mate. Even as a cadet he wasn't interested in going out to find someone to fuck. That's why I trust him around you, I trust him to look after you and protect you if you should need it." Erwin kissed Levi's cheek.

Thinking back, Erwin had always trusted Mike more to be around Levi. Even when a month after they'd starting mating Levi's heat hit suddenly while he was grooming his horse and he was left completely helpless in the corner of his mare's stable. Mike had come to groom his horse too when he found Levi whimpering for help. A normal Alpha would have taken advantage of the unbounded Omega but Mike had carefully tried to conceal Levi's scent a little by pulling his cravat higher on his neck and wrapping him up in his Alpha scented jacket. He then picked a route that used only quiet hallways so he didn't attract unnecessary attention to Levi and carried him to Erwin's quarters. Erwin found Mike an hour later, guarding the door that concealed his little Omega. Erwin had been grateful that he had someone else to look out for Levi when he couldn't.

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