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(Wow, I've had so many amazing comments, I really appreciate that thank you. Having said that I appreciate people reading this fullstop but it's nice to get little comments about parts you enjoyed or just that you enjoyed it all together, it's super nice. Oh and I'm sorry if my random names for the characters that aren't in AOT are cringey, I don't usually write names for background/not greatly important characters but I thought this will be the longest fic I've written so I'll splice in a couple of random characters that don't exist. Just bare with me, I'm terrible at picking names but hopefully the rest of the fic makes up for it. I'll stop rambling now.)

Levi sat bolt upright in bed a shout on his lip. I'm sorry. No please, I'm so sorry. Levi's hands pulled at his hair as he curled into himself, rocking back and forth. Hands touhed Levi's shoulders and he flinched away but the person persisted. Levi was pulled back into a firm, warm surface. Then that scent hit him, thick like tree sap. "It's okay Levi. It's just a dream. I won't let it hurt you." That voice, rough and heavy with sleep but familiar and kind. Levi slowly opened his eyes and let go of his hair. He looked about himself; no grass, no rain, no footprints in the mud. The voice continued to calmly tell him it was alright, that the dream couldn't hurt him. Levi followed the sound of the voice and looked up.
There he was, blue eyes that were just as bright even in the dark. Erwin.
Erwin carefully grabbed Levi under his thigh and pulled him right into his lap. "Welcome back, Levi. Are you okay now?" Erwin asked, gently nuzzling the top of Levi's head. Levi nodded quickly and Erwin laid back down, Levi still on top of his chest. He knew Levi wouldn't sleep anymore now but he kept hold of him anyway hoping his scent would calm him.

Erwin had insisted Levi stay in his quarters while he grieved for his friends because he didn't want him regressing. He'd made a lot of progress in the last two weeks, Erwin had even begun to take him out on small runs and sparred with him. Considering Commander Shadis had given him full command over Levi he thought it would be best to slowly introduce Levi back into his responsibilities. Depending on how Levi was feeling Erwin was going to introduce him to his new squad and start him training with them.
Erwin had noticed the shift in Levi, how his strength had slipped from his grasp. Physically he's fine but mentally he is now very Omegan. Erwin just hoped after Levi grieves his friends that he'll bounce back.

"Levi, this is Squad Mike." Erwin said gesturing to the small group of people in front of him. "They're your new squad and the people you'll be with on the next expedition. Mike, Nanaba and Finch." There was a chorus of welcomes from Nanaba and Finch leaving Mike to simply lower his head for a moment. "Can I leave you with these guys while I do some work, Levi?" Erwin turned to the Omega to ask his question. Levi only nodded. Erwin reluctantly left, trying to ignore the remorse and exhaustion that Levi's apathetic expression struggled to hide. He'll be fine, Mike's squad is nice. Plus he needs to start standing by himself. I need to stop worrying, it's not like I'm his Alpha.

Levi soon found out that Mike's squad was nice. Mike himself was quiet and had the same Alpha presence as Erwin did but he was as soft as warm butter, he sniffed at things like a mutt but it turned out he's just a pup of good breeding; a strong male Alpha from an elite blood line and a fiery beta female. Nanaba was a kind and sweet female beta who had a tendency to baby the two males but could change in an instant to become a scary mass of fury when someone messed with her. And Finch, he was more Alpha than Mike but he knew his place when it came to the bigger Alpha. He also learnt quickly, when he tried to push his Alpha onto Levi and received a death glare and a threat of losing his knot he stepped back to let Levi surpass him in the hierarchy of their squad. They were equals on home ground, Mike only taking the top spot outside the wall because he was a Squad Leader and had to take charge.

The expedition came quickly after Levi began to train full time again. Commander Shadis had postponed it until Levi was in fighting form again because even he could see Levi was a brilliant soldier.

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