Everything has changed

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(Sorry this took forever to get out! I've made it a nice long part to make up for it. There are a couple of big time jumps but I have marked it with the little '***' I hope that makes it easier to understand. Oh and the title seems like it means something but it really doesn't. Enjoy!!!)

Levi never imagined himself like this. Ten years ago he wouldn't have let an Alpha touch him let alone mate him and then impregnate him. He was still coming to terms with the life that was growing inside of him. But he didn't resent it at all. Everytime he thought about it he always ended up on the fact that he loved Erwin and this was a product of their love. He wanted to have Erwin's baby, dispite his past. He would catch himself looking at his bump and longing for it to be bigger. But sometimes doubt still scratched at the inside of his mind.

His foot had healed enough for him to start his duties again but Erwin had halved them so he wasn't doing anything too strenuous. Levi continued to wear Erwin's suit jacket to hide the fact that his tummy was growing. Erwin allowed him to clean and over see the training of the other soldiers but not much more than that. He needed to stay in the eyes of his comrades without doing much work. No one really seemed to notice, as far as they were concerned Levi was still looking after Erwin that's why he disappeared a lot in the day. Some of that was the truth, he did spend most of his time with Erwin but he spent most of that time sleeping. During the day Erwin would order Levi to rest to which Levi would stubbornly lie down next to him determined not to fall asleep but then Erwin would cuddle him close and his body would betray him by falling asleep anyway. It was a weird routine that they'd fallen into.

Erwin got better quickly after that first month and he was soon walking around the grounds with Levi. They were just short trips but it was a big step considering Levi was inches close from losing him forever only a few weeks ago. Eventually he moved back to their quarters because he was well enough to look after himself. Levi of course still felt the need to baby him because he was still getting used to doing things single-handedly. Soon two months slipped by and they didn't even seem to notice. 

It was dark and by the high moon Levi could tell it was around midnight. His dreams were keeping him up again. He was curled against Erwin's back as the Alpha had rolled onto his side during the night. He wasn't scared nor did he mind being awake because his little pup was moving around inside him, he could feel it kicking as it moved into a different position. This arose the worries Levi had been keeping to himself. I'm too old  he kept thinking, he was older than thirty and he was only just having his first pup. He'd learnt that if an Omega is to have pups they have them at a young age. He remembered when he was first made aware of this fact back when he first joined the Corp. He and Erwin had been summoned to Sina for a big fancy party about a year into his active duty. The rich had heard of this Omega Levi that was fast becoming one of the strongest soldiers the military had ever seen and they wanted to meet him. He'd been given a tailored dress uniform and they'd been taken to Sina the next day. The ball itself consisted of fat, rich men with very young Omegas on their arms and all of their many pups running around the place. Levi had never seen pair bonded Omegas before but the stories he'd been told of them were true; every Omega in the room had their face down, head bowed, only saying something when they were asked a question and only eating when their Alpha fed something to them. Levi couldn't help but notice that every single one of them had either and baby in their arms or a rounded tummy. Many had toddlers at their legs and there were a numbered of slightly older kids around too. Levi stayed quiet for the most of it, he didn't know how to speak to these types of people nor did he really want to talk with them. Some obviously asked him questions and conversed with him but other than that he didn't speak unless he had too.

It was bearable and uneventful for most the night until he and Erwin were speaking with one of their biggest sponsors. He of course had his Omega with him, a petite young girl who couldn't have been much older than nineteen. She had a newly born pup in her arms, the starts of a new baby bump and an annoying little shit at her leg. As harsh as it sounds Levi took a dislike to this kid right away, he could see the prospective Alpha in the young boy but it was the disrespect towards his mothers that got to Levi. The moment he saw Levi and Erwin approach his mother and father the boy began to become a bother. The young Omega tried to pay the boy the attention he wanted without making a scene and without jostling the sleeping infant in her arms. He pulled at her dress, hit and kicked her. Levi used everything within himself not to grab the child and stop him himself. The Omega didn't get angry or snap at the boy, she just stood and allowed him to do it. That was until he kicked her a little too hard in the backs of her knees. She began to fall and Levi instinctively grabbed to stop her. He caught her arm and gently lowered her to the floor knowing he couldn't prevent the fall. She fell forwards a little and Levi's hand had come to rest on the babies head to stop it falling from its mothers arm. She was sat shocked for only a moment before she made to get up again, Levi helped her carefully before stepping back beside Erwin. The Alpha they'd been talking too simply pulled his Omega to his side a little too roughly and walked away, their little brat child holding onto the Omegas dress as if nothing had happened.        

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