Chapter 2

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Chapter 2|Dells High school 

I was fast asleep when I felt something nudge my chest. The thing kept nudging me continually until I opened my eyes. It was very early in the morning but I couldn't tell the exact time, probably 5.30am or 6.00am by estimation. School starts at 8.00am so I wasn't running late. 

I looked down at the thing that had been nudging me and my eyes came in contact with the most beautiful pair of green eyes I had ever seen. Was it my imagination or were those eyes sparkling? 

When I blinked again, the eyes were just normal ordinary green eyes. Then I remembered the monster rabbit I had gone to bed with last night. The silly creature was trying to entrance me. It failed to remember that I was also a mind reader and somehow all the five monster animals I have come in contact with in my whole life have never been able to entrance me. Including the tiger I met in the woods when I was 12, when it saw that I wasn't being entranced, it started to charge at me. 

It was on that day that I learnt that somehow I had a kind of mind control that was more like a suggestive one. I told the tiger that I wasn't good meat and that I was its friend. It came closer then and allowed me to rub its back. Boy was I amazed ! 

I opened my mind and read the rabbit's mind, it wanted meat but unfortunately it couldn't eat my delicious flesh because I had saved its life yesterday. Who knew animals could be grateful? I certainly didn't. 

The rabbit knew I was in its mind and it kept forming thoughts like, 'Come help me hunt meat? Come on...' 

I just shook my head at the waves of hunger coming off it. I agreed to help it find raw meat and checked its hind leg which had been caught in the silver bear trap. It looked like as though it had healed now but when I touched it, the rabbit whimpered. 

'It still hurts,' It said in my mind. 

I nodded and carried it up in my arms. Where its hind leg had been on my bed, there was a small stain of silver and blood. I took it to the small kitchen and searched for the rabbits I had given grandma the night before. I found them all skinned and salted. 

I cut three pieces for the monster rabbit and a large piece for myself. Trust me to tell you that when you are as poor as grandma and I are in Dells city, you must learn to eat even raw meat. Fortunately for me, I happen to have a liking for raw meat. Grandma on the other hand doesn't, she always makes sure to at least roast it to a half-cooked state. 

I left the rabbit with the three pieces of meat and went to my room to take the clothes that I would be wearing to school today. 

Thankfully Dells High School had its own uniform which is given to the students free of charge.  

If not I don't know how I would survive at school wearing my wool and linen clothes which possessed different sizes of holes. These holes are mostly caused by the fact that I had always been wearing them and that I went to hunt in the deep woods where there were lots of thorny plants which tear clothes. 

The clothes I happen to be wearing today are actually the best clothes I have. I brought out a red blouse which has a hole at the hem and my black hoodie which has faded to grey from my box of clothes. They would have to go together because the hoodie will conceal my torn blouse. 

These weird combination of top wear will have to go with the black trouser that was given to me through a charity event at school. It was very loose and looked more like a long baggy trouser. 

I have never worn it before because I'm always at home and all students from the sixth grade at Dells elementary school have to wear uniforms compulsorily. 

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