Chapter 3

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Chapter 3|The Fruits Of Scolding The Minister Of Education's daughter 

After we left the assembly hall, I put all the things that had been given to us in my backpack and then I locked my backpack into my locker after memorizing my schedule and bringing out the books I needed. 

After that I changed the lock code of my locker to ensure that I don't come back to meet something very unusual in it. 

As I tried to find my next class, I didn't realize that I was being followed until someone said, "Hello" from behind me. 

I looked back and the person punched me right in the stomach. I fell to the floor clutching my stomach. 

My God, I haven't spent up to an hour at school yet and the pranks have already started. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I managed to speak, asking the guy who had punched me in the stomach why he had done that. 

"You asked me to punch you and I obliged you," He said smirking. 

I tasted blood in my mouth. Wow the bastard had really punched me with all his strength. I swallowed the blood just to make sure that I didn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had hurt me. I struggled to my feet and reached over to my back to tear off the post-it note at my back. 

I managed to clutch my books to my stomach and stumble away from the smirking jerk who had punched me in the stomach. 

I went to my second class for the day since half of the first period/class had been used for the assembly. I managed to get through all the next two periods prank-free and then the bell for lunch rang. 

I walked to my locker where I dropped all the books I had used for the first three classes and exchanged them with the books I would use in the next two classes after lunch. Then I used the map at the back of the school schedule sheet to find my way to the school library. When I got there, I chose a seat that was very hidden from sight and started to read my text books. 

As soon as I heard another bell ring, I rushed out of the library after giving the yellow library card that the librarian had given me back to her. 

I arrived at the class before the teacher and quickly sat on the seat closest to the wall in the third row. 

I slouched to avoid any confrontations with anyone but Adrianne, Chloe and some other girl who had replaced Lana came to bother me. 

"Well well well if it isn't the little burnt face girl..." Chloe said. 

"Doesn't she look so quaint like a little burnt doll," Adrianne said. 

"Yes she does," The other girl said with a giggle. 

"Where did you go during lunch uh? Where did you hide your burnt face during lunch?" Chloe asked. 

I refused to give them my attention so I kept re-reading a particular paragraph in the text book in my hands. 

Chloe looked around and saw that people were already looking away and murmuring among themselves when they saw that I was just ignoring the insults and I wasn't planning to put on a fight. She pulled me up by my hair on the left side and hissed, "Are you trying to play smart?" 

Adrianne grabbed the right side of my hair and used it to pull me up. I struggled to avoid them hurting me but I still didn't say a word. 

Just then the teacher came in. Chloe and Adrianne froze where they stood while the other girl scrambled into a seat nearby. 

The teacher immediately assessed the situation before Adrianne and Chloe's hands finally dropped to their sides. 

The teacher shook her head at Adrianne and Chloe, "Miss Amedina and Miss Fraser can you please explain yourselves?" 

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