Chapter 6

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Chapter 6|Hell Breaks lose

Hello everybody, I just want to dedicate this chapter specially to @aalana for providing the cover for this book. I haven't posted the cover yet but I will as soon as I can get to the cyber cafe because my phone can't add covers. Thanks for reading ! Please don't forget to leave your feedbacks. They are highly appreciated.

Before I let you enjoy this chapter, I just want to ask a short question. Would it be too revealing if I use Logan's p.o.v for the next chapter?


The day after that third day of peace, Logan had to go on a short hunting trip with his father, the king for two days.

He left my house late that night and when I woke up the next day, I was already missing him.

When I got to school, I had expected a peaceful day as usual but by lunch, I knew the reason for the peace I had been experiencing. Logan.

So many new pranks were played on me and it wasn't only the freshmen students this time, the seniors had joined them and much more innovative pranks were played on me.

Before the first class for the day, I was slapped by two second year students as a result of post it notes. When it was time for my first class, I went to class but the space where my assigned seat should be was empty.

I had to excuse myself from that class to go in search for my assigned seat. I looked everywhere in the school, the gym, the drama theatre and even the teacher's offices but the locker was nowhere to be found. It wasn't amusing in the least bit.

When the principal got to know that my assigned seat was missing, She told me that since it was school property with my name on it I must find it or buy it.

Buy it? I almost shrieked at her. Where would I get the money to buy a seat? I and grandma could hardly feed ourselves not to speak of buying a seat with that kind of expensive mahogany wood.

It was when It was close to the end of that first period that I found my assigned seat at the back of the school where the dumpsters were.

I had to drag the desk all the way back to my class without making too much noise. By the time I got it to the class, I was physically exhausted.

When it was time for lunch, I was called to the school office where Mrs Miller calmly pointed at some items on her table.

"What do you know about these things Isla?" She questioned calmly.

I looked carefully at the items, I had never seen them before except my pen which sat among the items.

"I have never seen them before Mrs Miller...only the pen is mine," I said.

"Well Isla if you read the school rules and regulations, you were warned to never bring these kind of items to the school and we found all these in your locker." Mrs Miller said.

"But I have never seen them before, how did they get into my locker?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't know but I can't just let this pass even though I know you are innocent so I'll just give you one strike out of your three strikes instead of a suspension." She concluded and dismissed me.

I was seriously dismayed. All these things were happening just because of what? Because I was Logan's friend? When Logan came back from his hunting trip, both of us were going to have a long talk about keeping our friendship away from our school mates. To make it effective, He'll have to reject me in public.

But that would be after he returned. For the period that he was absent now, I would just have to endure all these pranks.

When it was closing hour, I was so fed up and tired because I hadn't realised that people had it really bad for me. As soon as I opened my locker, ants poured out of it.

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