Chapter 9

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   I can't believe I'm going on a date again. I almost forgot the Michael incident, he has been calling ever since the night but I figure I'll leave him alone, I think he still fucking his baby mama anyways.

  I don't know why but I figured everybody goes back to the parent of there child that's why I honestly don't mess with man on that baby daddy/baby mama I hate you thing it's all a fake.

Me and denzel decided to meet up for a movie, I'm a little nervous but its something about him that makes me yearn for him, but its also a part that's saying stay away. There is no way a man as fine as him is single or don't have any kids but I will get to know him for tonight.

its only two thirty so I decided to call my mom and see what she doing.

“hey baby” she said excitedly “i was calling to check up on you mama” I said, she was really in a good mood I wonder what has her so happy.

“im good just enjoying some company” I started getting suspicious about this company.“who is he” I ask concerned hoping it wasn't who I thought.

“your father”she said almost in a whisper but I heard her.“mom what did I say he is nothing but trouble and heart ache” I warned again.“ohhh hush up chyy you act like sleeping with him a little conversation won't hurt nobody ” she explained

“conversation better be the only thing” I said like I was the parent and she was the child.
I let her get back to her company and told her I would call her back and she said OK and we hung up.

  It still wasn't close to get ready so I decided to go shopping to speed up time. I didn't wanna go to the mall so I want to my favorite shopping center. I pulled up and once I got out I saw crystal with the same girl at the club with one of denzel friends, she saw me and came to speak.

“hey breyanna” she spoke,“oh hi crystal” I said nonchalantly..
“this is my friend Keisha, Keisha this is crystal a child hood friend” the girl look at me and her eyes widening a little but only I caught it. “nice to meet you” she said “likewise” I told her .

“well I won't keep you waiting long don't forget your appointment next week”. I reminded her she told me she wouldn't and her and her friend walk out the  store.

I don't know what the look was for her friend gave me but I hope she wasn't drama. I went looking for something cute and casual so I could wear to the movies I decided on some  dark blue jean  shorts with a Marilyn Monroe v neck shirt it was cute I had some nice scandals to go with my attire.

I paid for my things and left it was not five on the dot so i headed home to get ready for my date with denzel...wait...did I say date I don't even k ow if that's what this is but I'm willing to see how things go.

   I pull up to my home and went to take a shower and gotten dress I flat iron the longest pieces to my pixie cut and I headed out the door to meet eyes.

He called me while I was in my way to car..“hello I said cheesing to hard I thought.“somebody happy to see me” he joked but he was correct I couldn't wait to see him.

“what Eva I'm on my way to the theater now” I let him know..he told me he was already in the parking lot I was surprised I wasn't the only one excited... ”well I won't be long I'm five minutes away” I informed him he said OK and we hung up.

When I pulled into the parking lot I seen him standing at the line to get our tickets. He was so fine he had on some true religion Jean shorts with a black and white v neck shirt with some fresh new concords on his dreads were braided back he just looked delicious.

“dang you like what you see” he teased...“maybe” I surprised him with my remark we walk to the line and he asked asked me questions until it was our turn to buy our tickets.

“are you single” he asked

“yea what about you” I asked

“like a dollar bill baby” he said licking his lips, he stares always make me hot and bothered.

“why a beautiful thing like you alone” he asked

“well I'm a workaholic I don't have time plus the man out here are waste of time anyways” I told him truthfully.

“well I hope I could change your mind”,we stared at each other until we heard the clerks say we were up next.

“how may I help you” the man ask us.“ahh may be get two tickets for ride along ” he asked ..“that will be twenty dollars and fifteen cents”denzel gave him thirty and got his change back.

We still had time before our movie started so we went to get snacks, so far so good but its only the beginning I just hope there's no interruptions.

We walk in and took our seats I'll catch him looking at me form time to time during the movie it was hilarious that damn Kevin hart was too funny.

Once the movie was over we walked out to our cars..“i thank you for this good time I really don't get much of these” I told him..“your welcome so when can I take you out on another date” he asked... So this was a date ....I thought to myself I giggled at my own thoughts while he waited for his answer.

“how about next weekend ” I asked he agreed and he shocked me when he kissed me his lips was so soft and sweet I didn't kiss back to a second later and our tongues danced around that's when his phone rang and interrupted us....I told him I'll see him later..

We said our good nights and I got into my car and drove off. I finally made it home and he was on my mind hard,the kiss was so magical I felt something I never felt before.

  I just hope he is not like the other guys I thought, I went upstairs to lay down tomorrow I was going to spend time with my mama so I needed all the rest I could get.

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