Chapter 19

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I was woke by my constant phone ringing, I was wondering who kept calling me like crazy. I woke up to breyanna sitting up in front of me, no words can explain how happy I was to see that she made it through.

We was having a moment and my phone kept ringing, I step outside just for a minute to answer crystal million calls.

"thank god you finally answered...ahhhhh.its time I don'tthink I can hold her in any longer" she said damn it sounded painful

I was exited besides waiting on breyanna to wake, my daughter was the next best thing and as soon as she hits the world I will be getting that DNA test, I don't care who is offended.

I rushed to her room which was two floors up from breyanna, I walked in a crystal looked like hell.

"alright crystal" ms.dodson said as she checked her uterus "you are a 9cm its almost time to push " I was happy I couldn't wait to meet my daughter we decided to name her Christina Daniel Johnson. I liked it was beautiful and I know it was gonna fit her.

After thirty more minutes it was time to lush my baby girl out.

"crystal on.the count of ten I want you to take a deep breath and push when I.tell you to" ms Dodson instructed.

"One..two.three...come.on.crystal..four..five...there you go there come on come on..Tenn there you go" baby arrive at eleven forty five that Thursday morning man she looked just like me every feature I had she had wasn't no denying her but I still.wanted to make sure.

"i want to.get a DNA test done right quick", I instructed

"denzel really at a moment like this",crystal ask annoyed

"better now than later I just wanna clear any confusion "...

After the test I held my baby for what seemed forever I was so in love.

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