♡ Girlfriend ♡

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Chapter 24|"Mum,"

I stated before gesturing towards Mason. "This is my-uh, um. . ." I awkwardly trailed off unsure of what we were to each other.

"Your?" My mum questioned wiggling her eyebrows cheekily as I hesitated not really knowing exactly what to tell her.

Do I say he's a friend? Romantic interest? B-Boyfriend? We hadn't even officially asked each other out. What was I supposed to say or even do? Oh, holy crap.

"My uh, um-uh, I erm-" Right then and there I knew I was practically screwed.

5 Days Earlier. (Spongebob Voice)

"I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited!" Amelia squealed as she happily entered the apartment.

Both Lexi and I looked upwards from being deeply concentrated on a very important episode of Teen Wolf. I mean all episodes were important but this is the season finale!

"Shush!" We both exclaimed before turning our heads back towards the television in front of me.

"You know," Amelia placed her bags down onto the counter in the kitchen. "I'm starting to think that you only come to our dorm for television, Lexi."

"You think?!" Lexi exclaimed and I nudged her whilst shifting my feet that were currently on her lap. The action caused the blanket that was previously covering the two of us to drop onto the ground. "Tia!" She exclaimed.

"Shush!" I leaned forwards and grabbed it before placing it back over the two of us. We both clutched the blanket in anxiousness as the episode was about to come to an end.

"I swear to god you two are obsessed-" She was merely cut off by the sound of our dramatic cries.

"No Kira, don't do it!!" I shouted as she gave herself to the Skinwalkers to control her powers. Lexi made a strangling noise before clutching on tightly to the blanket.

Amelia held her hands up in surrender before walking further into the kitchen.

"Guys, I can't believe it's almost annual parents day!" She exclaimed.

"Hush-what?" I questioned immediately turning my head towards her.

"Annual Parents Day." Lexi confirmed. "It's a day where your parents can basically decide to come and visit you at Whale Coast College. They have one every year, hence the Annual part."

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see mummy and tell her how much I've missed her!" Amelia clasped her hands together squealing and threw her head backwards.

"Mummy?" Lexi questioned amused and I playfully shoved her whilst suppressing the urge to laugh.

"Shut up." Amelia grumbled. "She's my mother." She spoke taking out a couple of things from the plastic bags she had previously placed on the counter. I immediately rushed into the kitchen anxious to see what she had bought. Lexi rushed after me equally as eager. "I grew up calling her mummy, and I don't think that's particularly going to change anything soon."

Both me and Lexi remained silent, before a small smirk took over my face. "Mummy~" I teased.

"Shut up, Tia!" Amelia exclaimed whilst Lexi began laughing.


3 Days Later. (Spongebob Voice)

"Come on! Come on! Come on, guys!" Amelia happily exclaimed. I pursed my lips together as she shoved an Apple Pie into my hands.

"Why are we bringing food?" Lexi questioned as Amelia shoved a wrapped up plate of Onion Rings into her hands. "Not that I'm complaining." She spoke once her stomach rumbled.

"Because, Lexi. I'm pretty sure the parents will be hungry when they take their one hour, or however long drive to get here, so you have to always be prepared." Amelia stated and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We will get to eat this food, won't we?" I asked.



2 Days Till Annual Parents Day (Spongebob Voice)

"What if questions get asked?" I nervously questioned.

"Tia," Mason chuckled. "There's no 'what if' they get asked because I can guarantee that they will most likely be asked." Immediately my eyes narrowed at him.

"Not. Helping."

"I'm sorry," He apologized awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Just-Just say you're my girlfriend or something." He suggested.

"G-Girlfriend?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Wha-I mean-Uh, just-erm-uh. . .-um." He fumbled over his words nervously.

I opened my mouth to speak. "Guys!!" Amelia exclaimed. I turned towards her before turning back to Mason only to realize that he had disappeared.

He fleed.


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