1st Doctors appointment

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Kayla's Prov:

I walk up inside the doctors office with Laya and see a whole bunch of kids everywhere.I go to the front desk and sign myself in.I sit down by this couple that has a baby boy in the fathers hands.BTW my doctor name is Dr.Senile.

Kayla:Laya look isn't he so adorable.

Laya:Yea he is.

Dr.Senile:Makayla is she in here.

I get up and go to the back.He tells me that I have I lay on top of this bed and but some cold jelly stuff on my stomach.

Dr.Senile:Look this is the baby's heart rate.Oh dear there looks like there my be two so you are having twins I see but you won't know until I see you again and that's in 2 more months.


Dr.Senile:Yea twins you will be having two baby's.It was nice to see you and your next visit is next month December the 20 I'll see you there.

Kayla:Ok thanks.Bye

Dr.Senile:Bye bye now.

I walk outside the doctors office with Laya and tell her something.

Kayla:Im having twins.I don't know what they are going to be thought.


Me and Laya head back to my house and I go in the shower and then I go to bed,Yea I gonna start sleeping a lot and I'm going to get mood swings. Laya leaves out my house and go to hers.I call my brother to tell him to news.



Kayla:Hey Marquan

Marquan:Oh hey Kayla so whats


Kayla:I called you because I just wanted you to know that I have babies on the way.

Marquan:You got pregnant by that dude from mindless behavior.

Kayla:Yea what you think that I just have sex with everybody.

Marquan:Will I was just asking and what do you mean by babies.

Kayla:I mean I'm having twins.

Marquan:Oh will did you tell him yet.

Kayla:No,but I'm going to when I go surprise him while they're on tour and Laya coming with me.

Marquan:Oh alright.

In the back round I here Marquan saying " Major what are you doing get down from there"

Marquan:I'll have to call you back cause Major is on top of the counter trying to jump off!

Kayla:Alright bye bro.

Marquan:Bye sis.

Than Marquan hangs up I go back to bed and just dreamed but as I was trying to sleep and the babies kept kicking me in the stomach and I just lead on my back and went to bed.

Twins!?!?(a roc royal story)Where stories live. Discover now