2nd doctors appointment

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Kayla's Prov:

As I usually do I check in sit down next to Laya and wait until doctor senile call me into his office.

Dr.Senile:Makayla come down.As I repeat Makayla come down.

I go down and follow him to his office.

He puts that jelly stuff onto my stomach and I lay back and look at the screen.

Dr.Senile:I see here.

He point to the screen to show were the was at.

Dr.Senile:It look like you are having girls.

Kayla:So I'm having twin girls that's great!

I call Roc to tell him to news.

Phone CONVO With Roc:


Kayla:Hey roc I'm calling you because I wanted to tell you that we're having two girls.

Roc:For real oh that's great.

Kayla:Yes it is.

Roc:How have you and the babies been since I last saw you.

Kayla:Good actually I've been trying to hold myself up until you get back cause I miss you so much and I need your comfort at times.

Roc:I know.I wish I could be there too,but I only have a couple of weeks left and I did tell Kesha that we're having kids and she was ok with it as long as I don't screw up and I told my family it was funny when they found out.

Kayla:Oh well I just can't wait until I see you again.

Roc:Me too but I got to go I'll call you as soon as I can I promise.

Kayla:Ok bye Roc and love you.

Roc:Bye Kayla love you too stay strong and keep yourself held you ok.


Then I hang up the phone and head out the hospital with Laya we both go back to my house and she ends up going to her house.After a little bit I watch t.v and eeat then I took a shower and went to sleep.

Twins!?!?(a roc royal story)Where stories live. Discover now