Make up day

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Kayla's prov:

I guess I can finally forgive him after all this time and its close to all of our birthdays.🎉But my birthday is coming up first let me hurry up and call this fuckin' fool.



Roc:Hey Kayla how have you and the girls been.

Me:Oh we have been fine I guess it's time to start making things right I mean it have been a long time since we seen each other and talked and its been a long time since you've seen the girls.

Roc:Ok we can meet at Dave and Busters and before I hang up on you I just wanted to let you know that I love you and the girls no matter what happens and what's going to happen in the future.For now on you and the girls are my main priority and that's it plus I don't want my babies to call another nigga they daddy anyways man I know I've messed up so fuckin' bad that it doesn't make since but imma make things right.

The following day.....

I wake up take a shower and get dress and get the the girls up and get them dress.I grab my purse their diaper bag and get in my Range Rover that I just got.20 minutes later we at D&B.I got the girls out the car and we walked inside the building.Once they saw Roc they was happy.They know how talk a little bit now like Hi,Bye,DaDa,Mama and grandma a little bit.

Nay&Mirah:DaDa.They said on a Harmony.

''Awwww hey my baby girls I see y'all can talk now.Hey bae."He said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not your bae so don't call me that."I said with an attitude a little bit.

"Damn you don't have to get a fuckin' attitude with me."

"I don't have an attitude I just want you to know to not call me you bae for quite a while and don't cuss around them they will repeat everything you say dumb ass."

"While you telling me not to cuss u don't need to be cussing yourself."

"Ok let's just go inside."

Once we go inside we split up I had Nay and he had Mirah when we was done playing we all went to the Game Center and got the girls 2 giant bears,2 potato heads,5 boxes of candy and 10 dolls.We left out of D&B and went to my car.I put the girls in their car seats and buckled them up.I was about to get in the car until Roc started to say something.

"Look I'm sorry that I had cheated I would never do it again I know that I hurt you and the girls."

"Roc I don't have time for you to be playing games all the time I'm really sick and tried of all the lies."

"I know and that's why I'm not gone lie to you anymore I promise that I won't."

"yeah right,look I got to I will talk to you later just txt me or something."

"Alright."Then he turn and give me a hug all I could do was hug him back.

He gives the warmest hugs.Then I let go and he looks into my eyes and we kissed for a brief moment.

"I have to go."I said

I got in the car and told the girls to tell Roc bye.

Mirah&Nay:Bye DaDa.

"Bye baby girls love y'all,see y'all tomorrow."He said with excitement

"Tomorrow?Why would you come by tomorrow."

"Cause that's your birthday."

"Oh yeah oh yeah alright will ill see you tomorrow then bye."

Then he leans in and gives me a kiss.Damn why do he have to be so sexy.I'm mad at him right now.He got in his car and I left and went home got the girls out the car and put them in their beds.(Thinking to myself what a long day.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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