Christmas Shopping!

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Kayla's Prov:

Today is the December 10th and me and roc are going Christmas shopping for the kids in both sides of the family only,as we are doing the list to see how many boys and how many girls there are I had forgot that I need for the girls to go to Rocs mom everybody now calls her AMama and All the kids call her GMama.

Kayla:Roc get the girls we got to drop them off to your mama so we can start shopping.


We drop the girls off to they grandma and she had all her grand kids there and some of the kids in my family over there so there was about 35 roughly 40 kids over there.Once all the kids saw me they ran and hugged me and Roc and took the girls out of there carseats btw the girls know how to crawl now.

Kayla&Roc:Hey everybody.


Kayla:I see you have all the kids over today.

AMama:Yeah I do.They've been waiting for y'all to come and they have been doing the most running around and restating.

I stand on the table after talking to AMama I ask the kids what they want for christmas I heard iPhones,iPads, toys,one of them be be kids asked for a Mercedes Banns.It was Rocs Nefew Kiel that's only 8 years old.

Kayla:No one is getting a car so tell me something else or your not getting any thing for Christmas at Least for me.

Kiel:Ok Ok than get me a remote-can trolled airplane that has a build in Camera and a sound system that can record us.

Roc:And where do you think we will find that at.

Kiel:At Toys R Us where you can get all the other toys at.

Kayla:Ok *thinking to myself* Smart a$$.

After a the kids told us what they wanted and stuff for Christmas we headed shopping fist a the apple store.Why are these kid so damn expensive.Some of the girls wanted an iPhone 4S that was either blue,pink, yellow , black , white or purple one .And some of the boys wanted an iPhone 4S that was Black, Orange, green, red, or blue on too.We paid for them but we are not paying for the bills we bought about 15 iPhones and 3 iPads.We still don't have a christmas tree or decorations for the tree an the house yet so we got to go buy them while we are out.We go to Toys R Us to get our kids stuff and the other kids stuff too for both sides of the family . We buy some hello kitty bears and nail polish sets for the kids to we only bought 2 nail polish sets.Some Dora blankets and some toys for the girls.Than we went to the boys side to go get what they wanted they Mainly wanted toy cars,air planes, action figures and stuff like that for the boys.

Then we went to go buy some of our kids stuff we bought them Doc Mcstuffins wall stickers,some of her toys, Sippy-cups and a bunch of toys. Then we went to big lots to go buy a tree and the decorations.The colors for the decoration were purple and white. While we were in there we bought some wrapping paper and some bows. Then we went to our last stop which was caters.Its a place to get shoes and clothes for baby's.We bought the girls at least 15 outfits a piece.By the time we got home the car was full of stuff.I called AMama to see if she can keep the kids over night for me.She said yes since most of the other kids were gone from her house.We wrapped some of the presents and I ended up going to sleep on one that I was working on. Roc picked me up took me to our room and laid me down on the bed.I was knocked-out.


I know y'all wondering like why the heck didn't she put up the pictures on the side for the chapters.It is because I'm trying to find a way to put it on there it's hard out here for a pimp. Lol but if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments.

Btw VOTE,COMMENT, AND SHARE.Please.Love U Guys . Mawh.

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