Unknown Thot Part.2

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Kayla's prov:

We finally know who's been trying to take my kids even though it took the investigators 3 weeks to find out.Who do she think she is stalking my family huh she got me messed up but I'm going to her house and beating her a$$ up.Laya came over and I asked her to look up the name.To find out the girl name is Latrice Brown. Laya looked her up and it showed all her back round.Dang she got some messed up stuff for a girl like her.It says where she lives ,her parents name everything her picture they put up of her was even messed up and it says that's the only one that looks the best for her.I'm looking like 😁 don't show me her. After that me and Laya get up and said we was going to go get some groceries for the house.I drive and finally find the girl house.I knocked on her door and she came out.Then that's when stuff got real.

~~~~~~~The fight~~~~~👊

I pull the girl off of the porch and started punching her repeatedly in her face then she had one good punch and she punched me in my stomach.I still was punching her and I took her by her her and swing her around then I slammed her in the snow it was still winter.Some girl came out and jumped on my back but Laya came and kicked her and dragged her back into the house.Then I kick the girl in her face and took one of those ice-sickles and was about to stab her in the leg with it but Laya pulled me back and we drove off in my car.

~~~~~~~End of fight~~~~~~~~~~

I saw that the police had came and they had took her to jail cause of all the trouble she had caused us.I went to the grocery store and bought some things so they won't expect anything. Then I finally went to go get my babies back from my mama house.They had on some jeans a polo shirt and some Nike shoes.I saw my brother Marcus and he was holding Mirah cause he was putting on her shoe she kept moving though.

Kayla:Mirah sit still.

Marcus:Come get your baby.And how you been.

Kayla:Good *gives him a hug*Where is Nay.

Marcus:Upstairs taking a nap she didn't want to take one at all but I finally put her to sleep.

Kayla:Oh,Where mama and daddy.

Marcus:They went to work.

Kayla:Oh,well I'm about to go once I put on their coats.

I go upstairs and went to go get Nay and I put on her shoes and coat carefully so that I won't wake her.I pick her up and started walking down the stairs.I put her in the car and went to go get Mirah and I put her in the car too.They wasn't in there by their selfs Laya was in there with them.I went back inside to go get the diaper bags and Marcus ask me can he go with us cause he didn't want to be by his-self at the house.I said he can go and we all was in the truck driving back to my house.

~~~~~back at the house~~~~~~~

I open the door to the house with Nay in my hands she was still sleep and Marcus had Mirah and one of the diaper bags and took her and it in the house. Chres came at the door and said hi to Marcus and took Nay upstairs in her room in put her in the crib.We took the groceries out of the car and put them up.Laya had went back to her house.And I had fall asleep watching a movie with Marcus,Chres, and Mirah. Mirah had went to sleep to

at the beginning it was only 30 minutes into the movie before she fall sleep.And Marcus ends up going to sleep in the middle of the movie. Chres went to sleep at the end of the movie we was all on the couch sleep.

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