Picking up the girls!

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Rocs Prov:

So today me and Kayla are picking up the girls from my mama house and we did all the Christmas shopping we had to do.We got in the car and headed to my mama house.After 30 minutes of driving we was there.We got out of the car and went inside of my mama house.

Roc:Hey mama.Where my kids at.

RM:Well than but their in the play room with the other kids.

Roc:How many kids do you have here still?

RM:Only 4 not including your kids.

Kayla:Who still here than?

RM:Kiel,Tay-Tay,Breanna,and Aryanna.

Kayla:My babies here!

RM:Who her babies beside the ones she has?

Roc:I Don't Know.

Me and Kayla went to the back and saw the kids playing with each other. But once they saw us they came running and Kayla is just talking to them until Kiel and Tay-Tay start talking and ask.

Kiel and Tay-Tay:Did you get what we wanted for Christmas.


Kiel and Tay-Tay:Thank you.

Roc:Your welcome and when are y'all going home.


Tay-Tay:When Ray pick me up.


<<<<Kiel,Tay-Tay,Breanna,and Aryanna.On The Side<<<<<<<<<<

I get Mira and Nay headed out to put them in their carseats I said bye to everybody and we left but we had went to Applebee's before we went home.I parked the car and got the girls out and we went to the door I opened it for Kayla and we went inside.They lead us to our seats and we sat down.This old lady came by and said.

Lady:Oh your kids are so cute can I give them a kiss.



Our waitress came and asked us what we wanted we said and she came back within 20 minutes with our food.We are just sitting there talking until out of no where this ratchet,304 girl came at our table screaming.

Girl:OMG its you roc royal from mindless behavior!

Roc:Yea.Who are you?

Girl:Well my name is Shania.

Roc:Oh ok.

Kayla's Prov:

Why is that girl talking to my man. She's just avoiding the fact that I'm even here.How did she notice my kids without noticing me.

Kayla:Ummm hello I'm right here.

Roc:Oh yeah I think that the girls are getting sleepy we about to go.

Shania:Oh roc who is this your grandmother.

Roc:No this is my fiancé Makayla and that no way to talk to her you tramp.Matter of fact we will be leaving and if I ever see you again you will be sorry.


Kayla:OMG thank you I thought I was about to have to say something to her damn somebody need to smack some since into her or I was about to.If one of y'all ever do something like that I'ma smack the mess out of y'all.

Jamirah&Janay:Ghyednjxk *also laughing*

Kayla:Y'all think I'm playing.

Roc:Girls your mama isn't playing.

We leave out and put the girls in their carseats.By the time we got home the girls was sleep and so was I.Roc wakes my up and tells me that we was at home.I went inside and feel asleep while roc had the girls and put them in their cribs in their rooms.Roc came back in our room he goes to sleep as he wrap his arms around me.

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