Sick. Cuddled. What else could go wrong?!

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~Alexa's POV
A few weeks passed by. Lucas went to California for a week or two to visit his family. I woke up one day and was greeted with a barf. I ran into the bathroom and barfed my lungs out. I rinced my mouth afterwards and looked in the mirror. I saw a sticky just hanging there so I took it and read it.
"Good morning babe. All of us went to Boston. Don't worry, we will be back tomorrow. I was going to wake you up but you where sick so I decided not to. Lucas will be coming back from California and will be taking care of you. He already knows whats going on. Bye Babe!"
"Great, out of all the people, Lucas will be taking care of me! Yay!" I thought. I went downstairs and grabbed a piece of sticky note. I grabbed a pen and wrote on it. I sticked it on my door and went back to sleep.
~Lucas's POV
I got out of the uber and unlocked the door to the house. I went upstairs in my room and unpacked. After that, I laid on my bed and went on my phone for 10 minutes. When I was done, I stood up and went to Alexa's room. I found a sticky note there so I took it off and read it.
"Hey Lucas! After your done reading this, wake me up!"
I opened the door and woke Alexa up.
"Yo, Alexa! Wake up!"
"What time is it?"
"Uhh.... 2."
"2 in the afternoon?"
She sat up and looked at me. Ohh she was gorgeous. Suddenly she got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I walked after her. I went into the bathroom to see her barfing. I put a hand on her shoulder.
"We need to head to the doctor. But first you need to eat." She looked up staring in the mirror.


I cooked her some bacon and eggs and put it in a tray. I went upstairs and into her room and gave it to her. She ate slow.
"Hmmm, This is good!"
"Really? I never really cook. And when I do, there not that good." I said scratching the back of my head.
"This is actually good. No joke."
I laughed and thanked her for the compliment. After she ate and we where done talking, she quickly got dressed.
~Alexa's POV
I went downstairs and Lucas was ready.
"Here. Incase you barf in the car."
"Thanks" I said, admiring his hair.
We went in the car and we drove to the doctor. We where pretty much just jamming to music and having a fun time in the car, despite the fact that i'm sick.


We got out of the doctors office to find out that I got the flu. Yay! We drove to Chipotle and ordered some food. We sat down, ate and we talked. When we where done, we drove home. I barfed again in the car ride but Lucas was there to comfort me. When we got home, I layed down in my room and watched some Netflix. I watched my new favorite series The office. (Side note. I love the office. I was actually sad that it ended. And still am sad.) When I reached the end, I literally almost cried. It was the best series EVER! I checked the time and it was 10. Lucas came into my room and asked me what I wanted for dinner. I replied saying ramen. (Another Side note, I love ramen. Do you? Oh and if you don't know what Ramen is, where have you been? Here's a picture of ramen!:

 Do you? Oh and if you don't know what Ramen is, where have you been? Here's a picture of ramen!:

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Doesn't it look good?!) While I waited, I went into the bathroom to barf and take a shower. After I was finished, Lucas came into my room with my dinner.
"Here you go!"
"Thanks!" I said grabbing the tray from him.
"You sure love them noodles!" He said as he saw me munching down on it.
"Yeah, I do."
"So Nick told me you have to sleep in my room tonight!"
"With you?" I asked nervously.
Oh if only you know whats on my head about Lucas. I hate you! But I still love you, Nick! I thought to myself.
"Why did he tell you that?" I said trying to hide my nervousness.
"He said incase something happens to you, I will be there." Great!
"Okay. I'll be there when I'm done eating."
"Okay!" He said leaving me in my room but with the door open.
I sighed. What else could go wrong? I thought to myself. I finished eating, changed into pajamas, grabbed my phone and went into Lucas's room. He was on his bed, on his phone.
"Yo! I'm here"
"Yo!" He replied standing up and shutting off the lights.
He layed next to me and for some reason...... I blushed.
For 30 minutes, I just layed there... sleepless. Until, without any realization of what I was doing, I put my head on his chest and cuddled with him. I smiled and went to sleep.


I woke up and realized what I did last night. I cuddled with him. Shit! Oh shit! WHAT ELSE COULD GO WRONG?! I just Fucking cuddled with Lucas. I started panicking in my mind for about 10 minutes. Then I came into conclusion that as long as Nick doesn't find out, it'll be fine. Right? I quietly got out of bed trying not to wake Lucas up and changed my clothes. After I changed my clothes, I went into the bathroom to french bun my hair. But before I left the bathroom, I barfed. After I was done, Lucas came behind me put his hand on my shoulder. I jumped up.
"Holy!" I yelled. He started laughing.
"I didn't mean to scare you!" He said in between laughs.
I rinced my mouth and asked him "How long where you awake?"
"I woke up to the sounds of you barfing."
"Um... okay." I said being weirded out by him hearing me barf.
"Well anyways." He said as we got out of the bathroom. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Oh just some beagles will do."
I walked into his room and went on my phone. I found that someone Dmed me a photo. So I went on twitter to find out that the dm came from, Guess who, Lucas. Great! I thought. Oh and guess what the photo was....... It was me cuddling Lucas. Great OH THAT'S JUST EVEN MORE GREAT! I thought. But it is a really nice photo. I looked around to see if Lucas was around. He wasn't. So I quickly took a screenshot of the photo. Oh I'm going to kill Lucas! While I waited to kill Lucas, Nick texted me.
N: "Babe, are you up?"
A: "Yeah!"
N: "Good. I just wanted to let you know that we will be there in about 4 hours."
A: "K"
N: "How are you and Lucas doing?"
A: "Oh, good!" I got weirded out when he said. It reminded me of what happened last night.
N: "Good. Well Bye babe!"
A: "Bye!"

After out text conversation was over, Lucas came up stairs with the beagles,
"Here ya go!" He said giving one to me.
"Nick just texted me saying they'll be here in 4 hours"
"Oh, I went in my phone and I saw that you dmed me a photo of me cuddling with you."
"I had to.... It was cute."
"Oh, I'm going to kill you."
"Don't worry, you just cuddled with me. We didn't kiss or anything. Plus, Nick will understand because you sick."
"Your right."
"Oh and make sure not to screenshot it. He might see it." I jumped at those words. I actually screenshotted it. But I shrugged it off.
"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh......." I trailed off.
We then just talked and finished breakfast.

Well there you go guys. She cuddled with him. How cute! Anyways, sorry I haven't uploaded a chapter. So sorry. Anyways my question is, who do you ship better? Alexa and Nick? or Alexa and Lucas? Anyways guys, Hope you have a Fantastic day and FAZE OUT!

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