Chapter 13: FAILED Forced Decision

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~Alexa's POV
It's been a month since the "decision" between the two. It's also been a week sincd Uni ended and my flights in 6 days. Also... I kind of kept a secret from the girls. I basically asked help from a guidance counselor that we have here in Uni. (Dunno if they actually have it there. But for the sake of this fanfiction, they have it.) And you wouldn't believe who the answer was..... It was Lucas. I dunno how, but it is. However, I'm not telling the girls though, they'll bug me for the 6 days I have left in this dorm/penthouse thing. Anyways, I was in my room, bored as hell when Alyssa knocked on my door.
~Alyssa's POV
"Alyssa?" Natalie asked as she came into the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I said looking up at her from my phone.

"She still hasn't told us her decision yet!" Natalie complained as she grabbed an apple and sat next to me. "I don't wanna delay her flight. I mean just look at her! She's excited as fuck to go back there!" Natalie yelled, not loudly but enough for the both of us to hear.

"Why don't we get some alcohol! Alcohol always lets the truth out right?" I suggested as I locked my phone.

"Yeah but.... We can't tell her. She doesn't drink! Neither do we!" She explained while I almost nodded in agreement when an idea popped up, in my head.

"We can play a game. Let's trick her by saying that, thats apple juice or somethin'. And that you CAN'T pee at all! Then, we'll just ask her! Simple right?" I suggested and she nodded in agreement. We both left to the shops and bought tons of alcohol.


We got back from the shops and Natalie was setting the whole thing up. I knocked on Alexa's door and heard a faint "Come in!" From inside her room. I opened her door and sat on her bed.

"You wanna play a game?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Depends..." She trailed off as she sat up.

"Well me and Natalie made this game up." I said before I started explaining the rules.
~Alexa's POV
"I'm in! I don't care if I'm first or if its a dumb game... I'm In!" I yelled. Tbh, I was desperate to do anything. We walked downstairs and saw it was setup for us! "Lets PLAY!" I shouted before sitting down and chugging 3 glasses of "apple juice" at a face paste. I felt it burrrn through my lungs. As it hit me, I knew what was going on. This, this wasn't apple juice, this was alcohol. Me and Nick used to drink together secretly. No one knew. Now, their trying to use alcohol was to spill the truth. So I was going to have to try and not to drink too much alcohol. I knew something was wrong with this game... I knew it!


I chugged every single glass of alcohol-er- "apple juice" as they called it, left on the table. And thats when I tried acting like I was drunk af. But somehow, I wasn't drunk at all, my mind still functions properly. Maybe it just the gods helping me out here or something. Dunno.

"Who do you like better? Lucas? Or Nick?" Natalie asked me, looking at me straight in the eye.

"Lu-" I almost said but quickly "corrected" myself "Nick!" I lied. I was hoping I wasn't lying but at the same time, I was hoping that I was. I mean Lucas is sooo cute and his hair and...... He just drives me more crazy than..... Nick! I think I'm falling for Lucas. And this time, I won't just stop it or ignore it. I'll let it through. Sorry Nick!

"You sure?" Alyssa asks, snapping me back to reality,

"Yes!" I said, still acting like I was drunk. They just smiled at me and carried me into my room. They told me to go to bed. I smiled and fell asleep. Tbh, I was sort of tired from that, I needed a nap!
~Natalie's POV
"OMG!" I squealed as soon as we left her room.

"She still likes Nick!" Alyssa yelled and we clapped and danced like mental people. But it wasn't loud enough for Alexa to wake up.

"I feel bad fo-for Lucas though" Alyssa stuttered, catching her breath after we danced.

"Yeah, your right! But hey, she still has feelings for him!" And we danced for the last time.

"Oi! Stop dancing there! Someones trying to sleep here!" Alexa yells, not realising we where louded than before.

"Oh, sorry about that!" We said at the same time.

"Well, goodnight!"

"Good night!" We respond. As soon as she's gone, we start dancing again, but quieter than before.
~Lucas's POV (Wasn't expecting that, huh!)
I was editing a video when the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and found my best lady friend from high school.

"Lucas! It's been so long!" She squeals as we hug.

"Yeah! It has been, Sarah!" I said before we entered in the house and introduced them to the boys,

"So do I sleep in here?" She asks as she points to Banks's old room. I was touring her around the house. I just introduced the boys to her,

"Uhhh, no, you don't." I respond, smiling. I remember Alexa. She's so pretty... Lucas... No! She has Nick! Thats why I have Sarah here. So I could get my mind off of her! Even though I used to have feelings for Sarah, it's now gone. Now I want to force my lost feelings back for Sarah. To get my mind off of Lex. I thought.

"Why not?" She asks. She knows that Banks doesn't live here anymore.

"We have Nick's girlfriend coming over. She's staying in that room. You'll be sleeping on the bunk beds, downstairs beside the kitchen. (Do you even know what I'm talking about! If you don't, well that's a problem!)

"Okay!" She replies. I see her clenching her fists together. Why though? After a few seconds, I shrug it off.

"Well Sarah, I'll be in my room if you need me!" I say before going to my room.

"Alright!" I hear her say before I close my door.

OOOOOHHHHHHH! NEW CHARACTER ALERT!!!!!!!! What do you think Sarah is to Alexa when they meet? I also feel bad for Adapt. His girlfriend cheated on him. Well, now EX Girlfriend. Anyways guys! Hope you have a Fantastic day and will always be annnnnnd....

FAZE OUT 💯! Peace out ✌✌!!!

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