Team Bonding

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*Abby's POV*

Today was one of our last days of the mini-camp we had to prepare for our friendly against Japan in 2 days. We were all very weary, wanting to prove to everyone, and ourselves that we are capable of beating them, and that we're ready for the World Cup.

The convention room was loud as everyone laughed and ate. I pushed my food around my plate,looking around the room. It had been almost 2 weeks since I gave Victoria a ride home, and I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted to help her. I don't know what it is, but something about her just makes me want to protect her with everything I have. The thought that I may never see her again breaks my heart.

I was broken out my reverie when someone shook my shoulder. I looked to see Cap, who was sitting next to me, looking at me with concern.

"Hey Abby, usually you eat like a pig, but lately you just play with your food. Plus you've been so quiet which is not you. What's going on?" She asked.

I sighed, and said "It's just this kid I met. She really made an impact on me, and I just want to help her, but I'm not sure if I'll ever see her again at all."

Cap gave me a sympathetic look, patting my shoulder comfortingly.

"Hey if it's meant to be, you'll see her again. But from how much it already affects you, I have a feeling she'll be a big part in all our lives. You just have to wait okay?" She said.

I nodded sadly, trying to push away all these emotions as I picked up my fork. Hope, Ash, Ali, Becky and Cap all smiled when I finally started to eat.

"YAAAS!! Wombat has finally joined the living again!" Pinoe cheered, and I couldn't help but crack a smile, which seemed to be what the rest of the team was waiting for before they started laughing.

Cap was right, I know I'll see her again. She did promise me. Anyway, I can just feel that we'll be important in each other's lives.

I couldn't help but laugh loudly as Ash tried to excitedly mime what a shark did on Shark Week, sending food flying as she tried to replicate the shark's jaws crashing down with her hands. She smiled sheepishly as Ali smacked her for getting her clothes dirty and Hope glared at her.

The laughter and talking died down as Coach stood upsaying "Okay ladies, I have an announcement."

Pinoe continued laughing loudly and we all rolled our eyes. She didn't stop until HAO through a dinner roll at her, making her look up in shock, finally shutting up. We all laughed at this, even Coach. Once we all calmed down Coach spoke up again.

"I know you all are excited about enjoying your week off before our next camp,but I have a huge favor to ask all of you. As you all may have guessed, we're calling up 4 new members. 2 are under 18." We all whispered, partly impressed with how young some of the new call-ups are, and partly annoyed that it seemed that Jill was going to cancel our days off.

"Anyway, one of the younger call-ups have communication issues. She can only communicate through sign language. She is a great girl and an incredible player, and I'd really like to make her feel comfortable. I was thinking it would be a great team-bonding experience to start to learn sign language over the break. I promise that you'll still get plenty of free-time, but this team is a family, and I want her to feel like she fits in. Is this okay with everyone?" Coach asked, looking uncharacteristically nervous.

Everyone looked pretty conflicted but at the mention of fitting in, and communication issues, I couldn't help but think of Victoria. I'd do it for her, seeing her feel so different and worthless broke my heart. I knew I had to do this in honor of her.

I broke up the whispered conversations by saying "I'm in. She's just a kid who's probably going to be scared and feel like an outcast if none of us can understand her. She deserves to feel like a part of this family too. Anyone else with me?" The whole time I talked, I just thought of Victoria, wondering if she knew sign language and if this would maybe help me to communicate with her easier if... no when we meet again.

Everyone was silent for a moment before everyone rose their hands, causing Jill to grin.

"Alright ladies!! We have an instructor coming in to teach us for about 4 hours a day, and since I knew all of you would be selfless... I have a surprise for you." She said.

Suddenly the doors opened and all of our families walked in. I grinned, running over to my parents ans Sarah.

" I missed you so much!" I whispered in Sarah's ear as I hugged her tight.

"I missed you too." My shoulder muffling her words. I could feel the tear drops hitting my shoulder, prompting me to hold her tighter. In this moment all I could picture was Sarah and I with a family, raising Victoria as our own, Sarah being the best and most caring Mother ever.

I smiled wistfully as Sarah and I finally separated, walking hand in hand to the rest of our group, our giant family.

As I joined the group, and we all discussed the sign language lessons, which Sarah insisted on coming to as well, I couldn't help but think "This is for you Victoria."  

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Things are finally starting to speed up! So what do Y'all want to see happen, what ships would Y'all like to see??

Question of the day: What is your favorite NWSL Team?? And have you ever been to a game/met a player??

My Answer: Mine is kind of a tie between the Thorns and the Spirit. I did get o see the Thorns play the Red Stars and Kling heard me scream"Kling, You're me hero" And grinned at me and waved, but she stopped signing at the girl net to me and I cried ( DOn't judge me." BUT OMFG I'M SO EXCITED I GET TO SEE THE SPIRIT IN SEPTEMBER AND I"M DYING BECAUSE ALI IS EVERYTHING!!

Lol much love Y'all! Thanks for reading and any feedback is appreciated! Until next chapter.

Ps. If anyone can guess the song from the lyrics I will dedicate the next chapter to you!

Lyrics: I believe in what I am, I believe in what I was. I believe in losing you I've never been given so much.

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