The Grand Ball

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. I only own my OCs. Nothing more, nothing less.


Machiko turned around in her dark blue dress to see Wendy walking up to her. They were currently in the grand hall of the palace since the king invited them to a party for thanks. "Hello Wendy. What do you need?" She asked the young dragon slayer.

"Have you seen Natsu?" She asked her. "We would've seen him be now, but no one really has."

"No, sorry Wendy." Machiko replied as she shrugged. "I haven't seen him or caught onto his scent at all."


Where could that idiot be...? Machiko asked herself as she sat down on a chair. "Oh well. He'll turn up sooner or later."

Her outfit for this evening was more like a normal modern dress like what we have today. (It's the one up there. ⬆️) Machiko's hair was currently down, letting it flow above her ass. She was wearing normal white sandals, and a light blue tear drop pendant around her neck.

Machiko sighed before getting up to get some more cheese cake. Once she did, Ayama and Rose caught her attention. Ayama was wearing a kimono while Rose was wearing a simple white dress.

"So you to made it

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"So you to made it." Machiko realized as she strolled up next to the young girl.

Ayama turned around and smiled. "Ah, Machiko." She realized with a smile. "Where'd you get that?"

"Hm? Get what?" Machiko asked her in confusion while taking another bite of her cake. My dress, pendant, or...

"The cake, obviously." She replied with a slight glare.

"Oh..." Machiko realized as she looked down at her cake. She likes these too? I thought she liked brownies.

"Just tell her where the cake is!" Rose pleaded with a scared expression. "Things will get ugly if they don't!"

"Follow me then."

"Hey Mr. Grumpy-Pants~" Machiko teased as she walked up to Gajeel.

"Shut up, kid." He growled as he took another piece of chicken. "It's hard to eat when someone's trying to talk your ear off. Plus, are you sure you aren't drunk?"

"You're mean~" Machiko pouted as she crossed her arms.

"Alright! I owe Natsu a drink!" Sting informed them as he and Lector walked up to the two.

"It's good stuff!" Lector added. "Top shelf!"

"Salamander ain't here, pal." Gajeel replied with his mouth full.

"Aw man! After all this fighting I thought I'd try doing something nice for a change." Sting sighed.

"Just find him before we go back to our guilds." Shiro told him.

"Since when did you get here, Shiro?" Machiko asked her exceed.

"I came here when you did!" She exclaimed as Rogue walked up to them. "How could you forget?!"


"If you don't mind, I prefer to be called Rogue." He insisted.

"You need to watch yourself." Gajeel warned him with a frown. "The you from the future was a lot of work."

"I know, and I'll be putting it extremely lightly." Rogue told him as he looked at them with determination in his eyes. "I'm not him. I will never become that man."

Gajeel smirked while Machiko giggled. "I didn't know Big Bad Gajeel had a soft spot for Rogue over here~"

"SHUT IT YA BASTARD!" Gajeel yelled at her as Machiko finished her other slice of cake.

"Well since Natsu didn't show up, I guess you're close enough." Sting insisted as he placed a hand on Gajeel's shoulder.

He dead. Machiko thought.

"Yeah. Close enough to punching your teeth in." Gajeel growled.

Machiko sighed before she walked off to another part of the ball room to ignore the ruckus they were going to cause. Should I down some more cake? But I've already eaten around 80 slices...

"Machiko! Over here!"

She quickly snapped out of her thought to see Hibiki waving at her. Machiko walked up to him and asked. "How's my Blue Pegasus doing after that fight with the dragons?"

"I could care less about my condition." He replied as they both sat down. "How are you, my Dear Fairy?"

"My injuries are nothing to me." Machi insisted with a smile.

"Very well." Hibiki sighed before holding out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

"Why not?" She asked him as she took his hand.

"Stop! This instant!" Arcadios yelled from up top the view edge. (To lazy to write down what it is.) As requested, the fighting and chaos paused.

"Thank gods..." Ayama sighed from afar. "I don't think I can fight another battle without my legs."

"For your performance during the games and bravery facing the greatest treat this kingdom has ever known, his majesty would like to personally deliver this message to you." He announced. "Pay he!"

Everyone looked up, expecting to see a short man in his kingly clothes, but that wasn't the case. "Royal subjects, shut the fuck up and listen!" Natsu yelled with his signature grin as he appeared on the platform.

"NATSU-NII?!" Machiko exclaimed in shock as she face palmed herself. ARE YOU INSANE NATSU?! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!

"How the hell did he get passed the guards...?" Rose asked in confusion as she and Ayama sweat dropped.

"He's Natsu." Machiko replied with a sigh. "That's how."

"All hail King Natsu!" He exclaimed as he threw his fists up into the air. "The ruler of Fiore!"

"Hungry Wolf Knights, get him." Arcadios ordered with a dark look on his face.

"Sorry, but this is just too much."

"For the rest of today, I am your King!" Natsu announced. "Now do what I say!"

"We should've seen this one coming." Lucy sighed.

"Aye sir!"

As the Grand Banquet came to a close, I can't help but feel like I can accomplish anything. The Games were filled with rivalry and hardships, but we're back on top. Like everyone else, I'm proud to be a member of Fairy Tail.

Although, I can't shake this from my mind. From what that goddess told me, four people in this world, including me and Ayama as two, are going to have our fates sealed in one year.

I don't understand, but I probably won't ever get it. She said, after a war, those four people would leave Earthland for a large amount of time. Am I...
Am I going to die?
What could the goddess's words mean? The secret might be revealed, but not right away.

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